MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $+xxx>xx>xx>xxxx>xx>xx>xxRichxPELfK F z` @`fb@ T% 0 ȤPx@.textD F  `.dataq` >J @.rsrcȤ  @@.reloc .@B0 (0 :0 H0 Z0 j0 |0 0 D C C C C C C rC ^C LC 0C C C B B B B B B xB fB VB BB .B B B A A A A nA ^A HA 6A ,A A A @ @ @ <7 l7 T7  N N N N N 3 3 ~3 h3 N O O 6O *O 3 @O ZO |O pO O O O 3 P>   7 7 7 7 6 ? .? @? ? > X? > 8 8 v8 N8 B8 ,8 8 8 8 8 8 9 (9 <9 T9 f9 |9 9 d8 8 9 7 5 R R Q Q Q Q Q nQ \Q LQ 8Q (Q Q Q P P P P P &R P P nP ZP NP BP 6P *P P O O O O 4 4 $4 24 D4 T4 d4 t4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 @R TR fR xR R R R R R R R R S S 0S >S RS pS S S S S S S S S T *T > > ; < = = = = |= Z= 4= = < < < < < < x< b< N< 2< < 9 9 9 6 6 t6 s o4t: : 6: J: `: 9 : : : : : : ; ; 8; X; n; ; ; ; ; ; t: `13P"N 0\ qFvXst> > @ @ ~? ? ? ? ? @ ? @ ? :@ N@ \@ r@ @ @ 6 $6 <6 CJ^JyJ0J]JΣJߣJJ!J2JJJJJJVJsJJJJJ!J2JCJ^JoJJJJJJ&J/Q3HeF:bCЎ!I;e@@@@@@@@|@p@D@0@@@@@@@@@WARNING: '%ls' failed signature verification. (0x%08x)CERT'%ls' failed signature verification. (0x%08x)XAAin_useDetected another running instance of the installerLocal\WindowLiveSetupRunningWLSetupChecking for running instancesExecuting module '%ls' failed signature checkInvoking user doesn't have administrative permissionsAzB AA,A5ABAA'B'BFF@@@@@@@(@L@p@@@@@HKCRHKCUHKLMHKUHKPDHKDDHKCCHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTHKEY_CURRENT_USERHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHKEY_USERSHKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATAHKEY_DYN_DATAHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGAPPIDA E9FM}DB_BBwlsres.dllSKU: %lsskuTrustLevel: %lsCommandLine: %lsInstanceId: %lsverboseLogsoemid14.0.8117.0416Package Type: %ls (%ls)buildtypeLangDetectlanguage\riched20.dllRichEditCatalogLibLoggerUtilHIGGDI+CoIntializeExresourcesNo MSI Check rule found, assuming acceptableExiting installer for unsupported MSI (Silent)msi_checkExiting installer due ot unsupported MSIMSI Check failed :: %lsMSI check passed :: %lsIsValidMsiNo OS Check rule found, assuming acceptableExiting installer for unsupported OS (Silent)os_checkExiting installer on unsupported OSOS Check failed :: %lsOS Check passed :: %ls<none>IsValidOsExiting instance=0x%pA reboot is still required to complete the installationA reboot will be initiated to complete the installationSetupUX reported fatal error (0x%x)Stating instance=0x%pREGISTRYModule_RawModule{7E292A2C-389B-5EC0-8DE4-6FB23470F988}{9E1469E4-F701-FF47-7DF0-7B079A3E1586}killProcesscloseProcessignoreProcessignoreFileappFriendlyNamecloseOrdershutdownAppCAproductCodeupgradeCodenamepackageId'@@'@ @Prompted the USER for reboot :: result=%ldtA_.BA.BA2-BpE:B'B)I)4B)Bv0B)I'*BL(B*B)BX-BA.BA1.Bwf3oBB׆GzUB4q~@Setting event for opk: %lsopkhsFailed to cache the catalog Getting the Engine...Caching the CatalogLogs are NOT copied to the desktop on production flavor.Disabling log uploadnologuploadUnable to resolve upload host: %ldFound log upload host : to launch the OOBE-firstrun WLSOOBE"%ls" -reboot -firstrunSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,%s-launchapps:Skipping OOBE launch for silent install.Failed to restart applicationsRestarting Applications_REBOOTREDUCER_productVersionWarning: failed to get pointer to Engine in SetupWizard::OnFinish()Entered SetupWizard::OnFinish()PAYBBDB==BAyCBACB\A=BA[?B|EEwls-staticimgCreating setup engine (build=%s, lang=%s)Unable to determine languageUnable to determine the build type!buildfatalerrorAEBFBE|E{=BB1aFM}DTAE?BBDBLDBBsplashCABEXEOnCatalogResult|AGBYBYBĜAGB6FmFtermsofusetoutou::declineUser declined to accept terms of useTermsOfUsePanel::OnButtonClickedtou::acceptAOBUnable to populate the TOU contents (0x%x)x-wlspkg://content/tou.htmXA=BA/RBgQBHBIB%IBKBFJBVIB[EBBDBBBTOU - Failed to launch link with id :: %lsprivacyautoupdatelearnmoreinstalledA=B@AXBAUB$AXB]BSBXB"TB3^B1aFM}DG#FSBBDBBBSTB_B;_Bx-wlspkg://CONTENT/pd_details.htmproductpanel::onbuttonclickedproductsproducts::closeproducts::installproducts::cancelDiskspace needed for install : %I64u bytesinstallSizeproductspanel::showproductselection!allallappselectSysLinkStatic$AJrE9F9FiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiB|E9aF$fFiBiBiB|EA3jBhF>iBoiBiBBjBM}D aFbFBDBiBBiBiB9F1aFSetupProgressPanel::oncancelUser invoked cancel (on progress panel)8A1nB%sFVlBlBlBoBMmBnBjFBBDBBB)IyFsummarySetupSummaryPanel::OnButtonClickedsummary::retrysummary::closeȡArBzBtpB/{BpB{qBpB,xBkpBBBDBBBsettings::closeUser invoked cancel (on settings panel)settingsSoftware\Microsoft\Windows LiveSetting OEMID: '%ls'OEMIDChoiceGurad - Not installedChoiceGuard result = %ldInvoking ChoiceGuard :: '%ls'SearchFormCodeWLXSearchInstrumentationSQMSettings: Homepage=%ls, Search=%ls, Sqm=%s, Toolbar=%syesnoSoftware\Microsoft\Windows Live\CommontoolbarButton?!draug_eciohcerrorwhatsthislearnmoretoolbarceiplearnmoreceipSettingsPanel::OnClickedsettings::ignoresettings::continueToolbar was installed, show=%s.ToolbarDefaultSearchDefaultHomepageDefaultCeipDefaultAB AYBYBYBB6D`AYBYBYBU7DBp=@((gKBFxAA$!BAJB6D6DB6D A6D6D.BU7DB=FFAYBYBYBYBAYBYBYBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiB|EiBiBiBiBiB|EAEBAwBYBYBBBB'BxBAYBYBYBBόB|AYBYBYBBhAYBYBYB+BkBBBTAYBYBYBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBBB|BiBiBiB|EAYBYBYBBVB4=@,?@4)@0iKB4%ls\1ABAwBBBBBB'BxBAB}BnBBόBAB_BPBBlABAB2B+BkBBBXA֗B#B88DiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBBB|BiBiBiB|ĘAsH8DBBlBЩA^BJBDBBBBBB8?@$ABJBDBB BBHBB@@4FiuCtxFileInUseContext(%p): signaled as cancelledFileInUseContext(%p): signaled as doneFileInUseContext(%p): done waitingFileInUseContext(%p): waiting until done...@ABleaving _initialize()FileInUseContext(%p): createdAsHBFileInUseContext(%p): destroyedFileInUsePanelfilesinuseЬABSkipping package %lu of %lu because package has no packageId!Skipping package %s because it has no upgradeCode nodeFailed to add %s to RebootReducerLISTBOXABBnBBBGB1aFШB FBBDBBBCheckFileInUsePanelhA2BBB BB[B1aFM}D FBBDBBBbad allocation@@@@@@@@Y/(e =L9o<{Oyz??33-BBBAcBcsm ABHSCSetThreadStackGuaranteekernel32.dllCorExitProcessmscoree.dllruntime error TLOSS error SING error DOMAIN error R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6033 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point not loaded Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library ...Runtime Error! Program: EncodePointerKERNEL32.DLLDecodePointerFlsFreeFlsSetValueFlsGetValueFlsAlloc IqI`B `BYnYntancossinmodffloorceilatanexp10?acosasinloglog10exppow  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~=e+000~PAGAIsProcessorFeaturePresentKERNEL32KXKe8CAd6CHSCbad exception̮AZSCHSCUnknown exceptionInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCountGetProcessWindowStationGetUserObjectInformationAGetLastActivePopupGetActiveWindowMessageBoxAUSER32.DLL_nextafter_logb_yn_y1_y0frexpfmod_hypot_cabsldexpfabssqrtatan2tanhcoshsinh ((((( H h(((( H H  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~HH:mm:ssdddd, MMMM dd, yyyyMM/dd/yyPMAMDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundaySatFriThuWedTueMonSun Complete Object Locator' Class Hierarchy Descriptor' Base Class Array' Base Class Descriptor at ( Type Descriptor'`local static thread guard'`managed vector copy constructor iterator'`vector vbase copy constructor iterator'`vector copy constructor iterator'`dynamic atexit destructor for '`dynamic initializer for '`eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'`eh vector copy constructor iterator'`managed vector destructor iterator'`managed vector constructor iterator'`placement delete[] closure'`placement delete closure'`omni callsig' delete[] new[]`local vftable constructor closure'`local vftable'`RTTI`EH`udt returning'`copy constructor closure'`eh vector vbase constructor iterator'`eh vector destructor iterator'`eh vector constructor iterator'`virtual displacement map'`vector vbase constructor iterator'`vector destructor iterator'`vector constructor iterator'`scalar deleting destructor'`default constructor closure'`vector deleting destructor'`vbase destructor'`string'`local static guard'`typeof'`vcall'`vbtable'`vftable'^=|=&=<<=>>=%=/=-=+=*=||&&|^~(),>=><=<%/->*&+---++*->operator[]!===!<<>> delete new__unaligned__restrict__ptr64__clrcall__fastcall__thiscall__stdcall__pascal__cdecl__based(x^@p^@d^@X^@L^@@^@4^@,^@ ^@^@N@XY@`3)6{O>`yK #N-+.-AC(AsHPDCSelectionLanguageXPathCatalog`pAGCAsHPD~CsCCM}DAsHPD~CsCDCM}DLAsHPDCConstant :: %lsFALSETRUE'%ls' = TRUE (%ls)'%ls' = FALSE (%ls)'%ls' = TRUE'%ls' = FALSERULE: skipped unknown node '%ls'RULE: error 0x%x while processing :: %lsFailed to create inner ruleܰAsHPDq2D@PACKAGE: error 0x%x processing :: %lsPk@p=@(ІKḆAF7D6D6D3=D6D$A6D6D*7DU7D7D>AsHPDhEDFDGDlHDVersionStringmsiVersion: INVALID %s %smsiVersion: UC=%s %s %smsiVersion: PC=%s %s %sAsHPD6JD\JDKDLDmsiQualifiedComponent: INVALIDmsiQualifiedComponent: component=%ls, qualifier=%lsmsiQualifiedComponent: component=%ls, qualifier=%ls, version %ls %ls4AsHPDODNDOD*rDRegExists: INVALIDRegExists: %s\%sRegExists: %s\%s (v=%s)AsHPDSDWDESDVDRegValue: INVALIDRegValue: %s\%s\%s %s %skernel32GetNativeSystemInfo AsHPD_\D\D)]D]D%ls (sp%ld)%ls%ls (sp=invalid)os: (CPU is %ls) and (ProductType is %ls)os: (CPU is %ls) and (OS %ls %ls) and (ProductType is %ls)CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEOCSIDL_COMMON_PICTURESCSIDL_COMMON_MUSICCSIDL_CONNECTIONSCSIDL_ADMINTOOLSCSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLSCSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTSCSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATESCSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONCSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86CSIDL_SYSTEMX86CSIDL_PROFILECSIDL_MYPICTURESCSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESCSIDL_SYSTEMCSIDL_WINDOWSCSIDL_COMMON_APPDATACSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITESCSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUPCSIDL_ALTSTARTUPCSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATACSIDL_APPDATACSIDL_COMMON_STARTUPCSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMSCSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENUCSIDL_TEMPLATESCSIDL_FONTSCSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORYCSIDL_MYVIDEOCSIDL_MYMUSICCSIDL_MYDOCUMENTSCSIDL_STARTMENUCSIDL_BITBUCKETCSIDL_SENDTOCSIDL_RECENTCSIDL_STARTUPCSIDL_FAVORITESCSIDL_PERSONALCSIDL_PRINTERSCSIDL_CONTROLSCSIDL_PROGRAMSCSIDL_DESKTOP,y@  y@x@x@x@x@px@ Tx@ 8x@ x@ w@w@ w@ w@ lw@Tw@ 4w@w@v@v@v@ hv@Dv@v@u@#u@$u@ %u@ &Xu@'4u@(u@ )t@*t@+t@,Tt@-$t@.s@/s@0s@1|s@5Ts@6(s@7s@XAsHPD bDbfDFbDbDFileVersion: INVALIDFileVersion: "%s\%s" %s "%s"AsHPDhDgDhDiDvariable: '%ls' %ls '%ls'variable: '%ls' existsvariable: INVALID>installerConfig/rule[@name = '%ls']installerConfig/setting[@name='msiinstallcommand']installerConfig/setting[@name='%ls']installerConfig/ui/skip//sectioninstallerConfig/applications[@strictCheck='false']installerConfig/applications//application[launch='true']paralleltasksMicrosoft\WLSetupwlt\wlt????.tmpAJrE9F9FCD@}DEnginemanaged0ADAdding package '%ls' to the operation list (op=%ld)Rule '%ls' evaluted to FALSE%ls%lsRule '%ls' evaluated to TRUE%ls%ls - Unable to create the list of installed products.downgradeupgradeProduct '%s' is applicable to this machineProduct '%s' excluded (include rule evaluated to false)includeProduct '%s' was excluded by ruleexcludeOverall result = 0x%xInstallEngine(%p): destroyedInstallEngine(%p): explicitly removing %u InstallEngine parameter(s) left.xAsHPDDAdding '%ls' as an auto-dependency of '%lsproducts:allproducts:wlautodependencyDependency of '%ls' :: '%ls' was not included due to rule.Dependency of '%ls' :: '%ls' was excluded by rule.exeengineInstallEngine(%p): createdAdding '%s' for removal because it's a dependency of '%s'Adding '%s' for removalSecureCache MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL="Disable" REBOOT=ReallySuppress REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=aumsv REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus Global\_MSIExecuteADYBYBYBYBBFailed to confirm catalog cache.Not keeping catalog, deleting cached copyHashBuildLanguageType_CATALOG_PathKeeping catalog, saving to cache.iniwlc%ls::%ls::%lsrestored dir=[%s], KeyFile=[%s], DirId=[%s] (backup was stored at [%s])leaving GetSetting()@A2DA7DYBYBYB1aFDD%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%lx%lxleaving RemovePackage()helper->rgFiles->Append() failedExtractCabCallback got SPFILENOTIFY_FILEOPDELAYEDleaving GetFilesInDirectory()%s\*Name*deleted backup dir=[%s], DirId=[%s]йA*DDDD1aFDDAJrE9F9FD DOD.msihashleaving IsPackageInStore(), fRelaxedChecks=%sFile '%s' failed signature verification, file may have been corrupted or tampered with! hr=0x%08Xbacked up dir=[%s], KeyFile=[%s]; returned DirId=[%s] (and stored backup copy at [%s])lA$ED-D[DDDleaving _setSecureCacheDirectorySecurity()warning: setting directory ACLs [%s] failed, hr=0x%08XSeTakeOwnershipPrivilegesetting directory ACLs [%s]leaving Initialize()cache.iniD:(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GRGX;;;AU).cacheWindows Livegetting local Administrators Group's SIDCreateMutex failedOpenMutex failedGlobal\WlsSecureCacheMutexAsH> ECacheCatalogTaskA; EV E1aF8QE)I EVEXEAXEYEYE EQE2 ESE EJrEMicrosoftUpdateTaskSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\PendingServiceRegistration\7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18dx-wlspkg://MU/MUAUTH7.0.6000WLInstaller<~#D#_7?qwO;MsDAJrE E EmkEqFqF0 EE E E EA E E1aF8QE)ItEVEXEAXEYEYE)EQE2 ESE EError when creating registry key.Opting into MU via registry setting. result=0x%xRegisterWithAUClientApplicationIDError when binding to MUAuth.Opting into MU via WU API. result=0x%xError when attempting to opt into MU.Opting into MU finished. result=0x%xDownload of MUAuth failed.Download complete '%ls' (0x%x, %ls)MUAuthProductVersionStringCloseAppsTaskXAEA; EV E1aF^E)IEVEXEAXEYEYEqEQE2 ESE EJrEinstallerConfig/@versionA!E4A "E|AYBE_INSTALLMANAGER__DOWNLOADER_Removing parent tasks of '%s'Failed to abort task '%ls'abortedcanceledRemoving task '%ls' for package '%ls' because of dependency failurefailed_prior_taskRemoving task '%ls' for package '%ls' because of failureFailed to execute a serial taskQueued a serial task = 0x%xFailed to execute a parallel taskQueued a parallel task = 0x%xrollbackpAJrEsH.EiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiB|EiBiBiB +EiB;EĽA( ?(@(A(B(C( D($G(8H(<I(4J(0E((F(,Button.RestButton.Rest.DefaultButton.PressedButton.DisabledButton.FocusButton.Hovernohig%ls: 0x%08x<a id="morehelp">%ls</a>AEEmorehelprtlUXEnabling RTL based on langauge '%ls'hearWizardSetupUX :: User invoked cancelWLOobeWizard::GetInitialSize() width=%d height=%d,A=BWizard::Show() After rcWorkArea: width=%d height=%dWizard::Show() SystemParametersInfo: width=%d height=%dWizard::Show() after ToPixel: width=%d height=%dFailed to launch '%ls' :: (0x%08x)xA(EpE)IE)I)IE)I)IB|E)I@EM}DSetupUX fatal error :: Tag=%ls, Error=0x%xWizard::FinishFailed to launch application : productCode=%ldLaunching '%ls' with arguments: %lsOnInitDialog&ButtonAEEA;FF4yK FFP0 P0 V ^>;)%D,3&OP0 4P0 interactiveAcompleteFF@AYBYBYBFFqFqFqF E Ec FqFqFF~F,AYBYBYBgFEE]FtF E]FgFAYBYBYB FEAYBYBYBK F FTFEEqFEEc FX F E EqFc F EAYBYBYBK FFAYBYBYBEc FqFEqFEAYBYBYBFqFM}D!FM}D F EE:"FEEqFFF2 FAYBYBYBEqFqFc F~Fv FEAYBYBYB<FFFAFBDBfFBBFFwls-html-ctlAFFFFFqFqFqF E Ec FqFqFF~FAUFeFVFgFEE]FtF E]FgFA(FFF FElAFsFdFK F FTFEEqFEEc FX F E EqFc F EXAFFF7FK FFDAFF FEc FqFEqFE0AtFFFFqFM}D!FM}D F EE:"FEEqFFF2 FAFFFEqFqFc F~Fv FEA7FF F<FFFTAFBDBfFBBFFsystemhiddenSelectionPanel::CreateViewA1.FAFXFwlsplctl32A0F2-FE|E E9$F1aFM}DG#FBBDBBB)FBM}DP0 blockpd_dependency_titlepd_dependency_itempd_dependency_listpd_product_infopd_dependency_infopd_nameA:F9F9Fa=FEdescriptionltrdirlA@F@FYBYB@F)ICScrollBar@ @@@ 0;@ @ <@ T@d@ |@ @ messengermailwriterfamilysafetyphotogallerymoviemakersigninofficeliveolcsilverlightAWF1MF0LFKF@F)IcWFtooltips_class32AQ^FHSFSFSFSF?SF}VFX@`AJrE9F9FiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiB|E9aF$fFiBiBiB|ELAaFhFEaF EB1aFM}D aFbFBDBiBB E)I9F1aFEngine finshed with an errorEngine finished result=0x%xOnRunOnCompleteFailed to determine IAndE source, using defaultProgressPanelUsing IAndE source '%s'DEFAULTiande%s:0x%08x&nbsp;<br/><br/>%.*shref="%s"%sid="morehelp"summarypanel_createview</ul><br/><li>%ls</li><ul>tA1nB%sFE|E EB1aFM}DjFBBDBBB)IyF<div class='errorText'>%ls</div><br/>LWM_ADJUST_CLIENT_RECTLWM_DRAW_CLIENT_AREALiveDialogAC{F(EMS Shell DlgA6FFkFWls-Infobar6a=< 8qFFA$FFFOFܕFF!FFFFɌFTFFډFuFFFFbFiFF><<UNDEFINED INSTALL ENGINE OPERATION>>RepairUnpatchPatchDowngradeMajorUpgradeMinorUpgradeUpgradeUninstallInstall<<INVALID TRANSACTION STATUS>>SkippedAbortFailedAbortSucceededAbortingExecutionFailedExecutionSucceededExecutingQueuedInitializedAqG8A1qGApGleaving Confirm()entered Confirm(%s)BlockingAsyncleaving Abort()aborting transactions...aborted already, ignoring this callentered Abort(%s)leaving Queue()queuing transaction %pentered Queue()leaving GetTransactionList()entered GetTransactionList()retrying transaction %pleaving RetryTransaction()entered RetryTransaction()InstallManager(%p): createdAGwGAxGxGxG{Gk|G|G_}G}G2~G~GGmGGCGGGA8xGwGxGwGwGsGtGRuGjG2mGmGpyGVzG!kGInstallManager(%p): destroyedInstallManager(%p): destroying...leaving Advise()entered Advise()leaving Unadvise()entered Unadvise()executing transaction %pexecuting transactions...transactions confirmed.confirming transaction %pconfirming transactions...transactions aborted.aborting transaction %pleaving thread with hresult=0x%08XClearing Thread Handle...entered ThreadProc()AJrEsH׊G1GҍG)G3GGgGGGG GSELECT * FROM `Property`AJrEsH׊GڏGҍG)G3GGgGGGʌGGAGA2G(A֖GAJrEsHGGGݓGG)GOGGGϜG`G*GGGLGG`G>GGAJrEsHvGGfGGG8GnGGԢGG:GmGGӣGMSUEnginedAJrEsHʮG4GGqGGФGtGGG6GGGEEFailed to get a valid Process Handle!terminating process forcefully due to: %sCancellationTimeoutexecuting: %s %s"%s" %s Entered Install. /quiet /norestart wusa.exeAJrEsHGG GزGG$GaGGGPGG=GEE"%s" "%s" REQUIRE: REAL*.*abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789%s%02d%02d%02d%02d%08x%s%s/%s_%s1rew3set Version: %lsSuccessfully loaded catalog. '%ls'Unable to download the catalog '%ls'Catalog download timed out after 15 minutes, aborting and failingCATALOGAsHG|E|E|EGGAn error occured while trying to download the catalog : '%ls'Catalog URL is unsupportedCabinet did not contain 'catalog.xml'catalog.xmlDownload catalog via HTTPUsing '%s' for catalog source (URL)Unable to load catalogInvalid catalog extension : %lsCabinet did not contain 'catalog.xml' entryUsing catalog cabinet :: %lsPACKAGEUsing package source :: %ls.exeLoading catalog from command line : %lscatalogUnable to locate default embedded catalog sourceUsing default embedded catalog.Cached catalog type unknown: %lsCached catalog (CAB) doesn't contain a catalog{8B79CD43-E7D8-4A48-BF73-BAD9EA08DF93}{5223835A-C8FF-4E83-B466-A0A6BA295CC4}%s-ww-ceip -fre -setsearch -package="%ls" -source="%ls" -market="%ls" -fc="%ls" -hp="%ls" ProgressSegmentB,9A?Attempting to get weight of unspecified segment: %dlAG/G)IG GfGBAGEncountered more resets (%d) than expected (%d)AwG GGG GGG:GGMsiUtilFailed to get string from record.Failed to parse Text Message Record.PackageNameLastUsedSource found: "%s" not foundtrying to get property "%s" for productcode="%s", context=%XMsiGetProductInfoExW Failed! uiRC=%lu returning ProductCode=[%s] ProductVersion=[%s]search for related products given UpgradeCode=[%s] succeeded! Found %lu item(s)searching for related products given UpgradeCode=[%s]MsiGetProduct failed to get version for product "%s"; skipping this product adding ProductCode=[%s] ProductVersion=[%s]searching for related products given UpgradeCode=[%s], fSortResults=%d%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%S%S%d.CAB%S.CAB\*.*InteractiveUserCtx?A(@A0@AF@@APL@Ab@X@Ad@At@A8ftpgopherhttphttpsnewsmailtosocks|Ab4HV/HA.HFailed to open interactive user context.CreateProcessWithTokenWAdvapi32.dllAb4HV/HFailed to impersonate the interactive user identity.Impersonating the interactive user.Failed to build the command line open a URL in IE.%s -nohome "%s"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXEFailed to create a security token for the new process.Failed to launch application "%s" with command line "%s".Launching application: Name = "%s", Command line = "%s".Failed to build the command line to open a URL with the default URL assosiated application.Warning: Failed to revert to self after impersonation (hr=0x%08X).%s "%s"%1\%s\shell\open\commandProgidSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\%s\UserChoiceFailed to build the command line to open a URL in the default web-browser.Failed to open the URL "%s".openOpenning URL "%s".S-1-16-16384S-1-16-12288S-1-16-8192S-1-16-4096GAGAGAGA\AwIHAJrEsHZLHIH5JHHHHHMHMH,AMHRebootReducertAoUHAAUHleaving _cleanup()entered _cleanup()CostFinalizeFileCostCostInitializeentered _runRequiredMsiActions()leaving _isFileInUse().dllIAIAJA0JApJAJAJAJAJA(KAPKAlKAKAKAWMS TNOTIFThisThreadSinkLiveMeetingTimerWindowLiveServerConferencingProviderDDE Server Window.NET-BroadcastEventWindowGDI+ WindowDevice WindowRTCMediaMessageWindowCRTCMediaControllerCUccPlatformMessengerAutomationMCI commandSysFaderFailed to restart ActiveSync"%s"Restarting ActiveSync...leaving RestartApps()RmRestart returned 0x%08XEntered RestartApps()leaving _getTargetDir()Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Wcesmgr.exeFailed to shutdown ActiveSync"%s" /quitShutting down ActiveSync...RebootReducer will use its own logic. %s(fallback)RebootReducer will use Restart Manager.msvcm80.dllMSVCP80.dllMSVCR80.dllexplorer.exeFailed to get CRmWrapper instance, hr=0x%08XRmStartSession failed with error=0x%08XRmStartSession initialized, session=%sAttempting to use Restart Manager...entered _initialize()leaving _getInstalledComponents()SELECT * FROM `Component`leaving _getComponentFiles()SELECT `File`.`FileName`,`Component`.`Directory_` FROM `File`,`Component` WHERE `File`.`Component_`='%s' AND `Component`.`Component`=`File`.`Component_`leaving _checkProcessModules()PID=%lu (%s [%s]) is using file=[%s]leaving _getWindowText()leaving _parseCommaDelimitedText() Percent done: %u%%>oAoAToA(oAnAnAlnA0nAmAmAmAXmAmAlAlAlAHlA%lAkA&kA`kA,kA: kA.log_%03d%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d_%x-%s(%02ld/%02ld/%04ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld.%03ld) (%02ld/%02ld/%04ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld) Removing old logfile : %s%s\*.log%s%02d%02d%02d%02d-%08x-Files\%08X%04X%04X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XWLSLOGGER_LOGSERVER_PORTWLSLOGGER_LOGSERVER_URIWLSLOGGER_LOGSERVER_NAMEWLUploader/1.0Winhttp.dllPOST X-Files: Content-Type: application/binary X-Machine: %s X-User: %s X-File: %s X-FileNumber: %u X-FileCount: %u X-FileGroupID: %s T:@Failed to save the Machine ID.Failed to save the User ID.Failed to save OS information.GetProductInfoKernel32.dllOS Version = %u, Build = %u, ServicePack = %u.Failed to save OEM ID.OEM ID = %s.Failed to save the catalog download result.Catalog download result = 0x%08X.Saving the install start time %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.Failed to save the install completion time.Saving the install completion time %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.Failed to save the Cancellation Page Id.Saving the install cancellation time %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.Cancellation Page Id = %u.Failed to incremenent the Retry count.Adding Retry.Failed to save the Suite Overall Result value.Suite Overall Result = %u.Failed to save the Reboot flag.Reboot = %u.Failed to save the User Options value.UserOptions = %u.Failed to save the Package result.Warning: Failed to parse the version string "%s" (hr=0x%08X).PkgID="%s", Ver="%s", Lang="%s", SuitLang="%s", Operation=%u, ErrorSrc="%s", hr=0x%08XFailed to save the application information.Failed to get SQM data files' base path.Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApiFailed to build SQM file format.SqmData%d_%%02d.sqmFailed to build SQM file pattern.SqmData*.sqmFailed to end the SQM session.Failed to upload SQM session data.Warning: Failed waiting for the SQM session data upload (hr=0x%08X). Failed to clean up the SQM environment (hr=0x%08X).Failed to open SQM session.Failed to close SQM session.eb<.<-XBƄTraceMessageVaTraceMessageadvapi32NULL<NULL>Software\Microsoft\SQMClientMachineIdUserIdD:(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GR;;;WD)UploadDisableFlag%s_%s<6(aB{@Upload Thread ExitUpload CompletionSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClientCorporateSQMURL%d%s\%s\%sSamplingSoftware\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledSessionsMaxUploadFileSize%s\%s%s?Partner=%sSamplingIntervalUpload Completion or TerminateDoNotDeleteFileAfterUploadnlA;u oSoftware\Microsoft\SQMClient\WindowsSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\WindowsCEIPEnableIsNetworkAliveSensApi.dllIsWow64Processkernel32.dllStudyIdCabSessionAfterSizeIsTestMSFTInternal/rac//windows/Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\UploadUrlMap%u(A;OICI;GA;;;LS)O:%sD:(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)O:%sD:(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GA;;;%s)Microsoft\Windows\Sqm\Upload؏R1q G@0?Local\SqmData_%sO[Nh:Iuad+ =U,FFQS[Iwޗ?z4t#KcN2z꟩IBaW~  E2gާj(Uߏ|{RKjD5{IYBYBYBR|IYBYBIq~I~I~IR|I:I}IDI IyIlIR|IaII*TEMP*http%s://%s/%ssCHttpRequest Waiting for WinHttp to async operationIf-Modified-Since:%sMSDWPUT2\jZW|<92Local\SqmLock_%s%-K+sV<      #+3;CScscc !1Aa  0@` ??  .>^~~ /?_  vuBr-Hm`bLͮM,c݆{V{uB呄K?qwO;Ms4֤ByM"9".<_@p.jjÄCq+Yܿ%4g|LVd1\/JA)S:#x)F@ L>Yhdx|l4J?W(݁5Gq[";V:lWC5H8~79EMMWc$-ˢT HPi-zW B7s?ohUK6 zj!؂F#\P"M̓\EcvK6O=ҋJ4DWS;zk.oG,kiB\aHzCl}l>IJA>LPW% C wL'N^v B|ն}{SI&&6P)GUd#!b ԌD_<fszNB=>ٛ4P(GLKnZXஈ%GJgLDVN9E2A r:X/vuB3˵Gz'GMt]1qD[xA^,ъtXsC膗-#[VIGձ3`fH%w[Lz0KO2IKWHE$?saEjSwh~fFd$$@ٻ*NhBHJC8KHh{&B$` TB4M"L0)Xh &`B:%kʑ#I7-F~v֮MXSRDC<~#D#_7̖VA"WCt}r;|@}"噶gwA68eMl#AłAУoF3/[oJKUG:-ῇmPD|/ 78ccFF=R& Je[ZdBULqQ>Ho4dt=L~I`8SMh6 !s.O s.O ~pOsMK.$<5IkQO sMK.$V~2@LJsMK.$x|sMK.$Gy1WuD|O tD|O #yOs1q4L|WJV32O 2ċZY4H*w}v<5IkQO 'yHZw<5IkQO E:K.$fKgqO( I#yO0eOKp>Wm7.O 32O 2ċZfVOUKVCZZQZ:ZQZNm7.O #FFFF FF444 i3%hoۤ;< 8q6a=< 8q!J4!JR!J!J!J"J"J"J*"J="JE"JHoK A9BuB0BBZBB*JB)Ja+Jk+JBBBBRSDSqE*HS"wlsetup.pdb`KlA|AA`K@lA$`KAĖAؖAA0AhA$`K@AD`K@A AA0AhAx`K@LA\A0AhA`K@AAA`K@A`K̗AܗAAA@A`K@̗A`K@$A4AA@AaK@\AlA@A\aKAAA\aK@AaKИAAAaK@ИAaKA(A8ATAAaK@AaK@pAATAAaK@AAAaKԙAAAaK@ԙA(bKA,A4A(bK@ATbKdAtA|ATbK@dAlbKAAĚAlbK@AbKAA AbK@A8A@AbK@(AbKpAAA@AbK@pAcKA̛A؛A|AcK@A8cKAA(ADAA8cK@ATcK@`ApADAApcKAAApcK@AcK؜AAAAcK@؜AcK$A4A }> > > ? 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P true P false PAD false PAD true true true P false PA false silent PAbody{font-size:0.8em;} /* italic to normal */ i,em,.GLOSSARY_TEXT{font-style:normal;} PAD
PAD/********************************************************************** Javascript functions for Pane Help Note: Many functions are designed for PROC, PH_MEGA, TROU topics which have subtopic_choice radio buttons. Note: All functions are designed to work for IE4+ and Nav6 browsers. Note: Cannot use less-than or greater-than symbols in the javascript or the XML parser will crash. **********************************************************************/ // Global variables var g_strSubtopicChoiceContext = "" var g_strCurrentContext = "" var g_arrContextElements var g_arrContextRelatedElements var g_arrArrowImages = new Array('arrowblueright.gif','arrowbluedown.gif') var g_arrV4 var isIE4 = false var isNav4 = false var isNav6 = false //Create the getV4 function, and then run it. function getV4() { if ( typeof parent.v4 == 'string' ) { var pv4 = parent.v4; g_arrV4 = pv4.split(','); } else { g_arrV4 = new Array(''); } } getV4(); //execute the function during page load //Conditional content test function ccTest( strValue ) { return ( v4Contains(strValue) || userAgentContains(strValue) ); } function v4Contains( strValue ) { if ( typeof strValue == 'string' ) { if ( strValue != "" ) { //Handle possible multiple values var arrValues; arrValues = strValue.split(','); for( i = 0; i < g_arrV4.length; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < arrValues.length; j++ ) { if ( g_arrV4[i] == arrValues[j] ) return true; } } } } return false; } function userAgentContains( strValue ) { if ( typeof strValue == 'string' ) { if ( strValue != "" ) { //Handle possible multiple values var arrValues; arrValues = strValue.split(','); for( j = 0; j < arrValues.length; j++ ) { if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( arrValues[j] ) != -1) return true; } } } return false; } function onPageLoad( strTemplate ) { //Even though the page is supposed to be fully loaded before the onLoad event is triggered, //Nav6 will return false from the existsForm function unless there is a slight delay before //querying for the existence of the form. if (isIE4) { startPage(strTemplate) } else if (isNav6) { var strNext = "startPage('" + strTemplate + "')" setTimeout(strNext,0) //Even though the delay is set to 0, this works?! } } function startPage( strTemplate ) { if ((strTemplate == 'PROC') || (strTemplate == 'TROU') || (strTemplate == 'PH_MEGA')) { if ( existsForm("SubtopicChoiceForm") ) { // set the classNames of the elements that have context // or are related ancestors of the context elements g_arrContextElements = new Array('INSTRUCTIONS','MORE_INFO','LINK') g_arrContextRelatedElements = new Array('LINKS') hideContextContent() //hide any elements that have context resetSubtopicChoiceForm() //make sure the buttons are unchecked and the context is nothing } else { showContextContent() } } } function resetSubtopicChoiceForm() { if ( existsForm("SubtopicChoiceForm") ) { //uncheck all SubtopicChoice radio elements var oRadioGroup = document.forms["SubtopicChoiceForm"].SubtopicChoice for (var i = 0; i < oRadioGroup.length; i++) { oRadioGroup[i].checked = false } //set the subtopic_choice context to nothing setSubtopicChoiceContext("") } } function setCurrentContext() { g_strCurrentContext = getSubtopicChoiceContext() } function setSubtopicChoiceContext( strContext ) { g_strSubtopicChoiceContext = strContext } function getSubtopicChoiceContext() { return g_strSubtopicChoiceContext } function hasTheContext( strElementContext, strCurrentContext ) { // Does this element have the current context var arrElementContext = strElementContext.split(",") for (var i = 0; i < arrElementContext.length; i++) { if ( (arrElementContext[i] == g_strCurrentContext) ) { return true } } return false } function getElementContext( oElement ) { //The context is contained in the id attribute var strContext = ( ) ? : "" return strContext } function clickedSubtopicChoice( strContext ) { setSubtopicChoiceContext( strContext ) // remember the context hideContextContent() // first, hide all context content showContextContent() // finally, show all context content dependent on the new context } function clickedSubtopicChoiceText( strContext, strID ) { oSubtopicChoice = getElementById( strID ); oSubtopicChoice.checked = true; clickedSubtopicChoice( strContext ); } function isContextElement( oElement ) { // Is oElement an element that uses the id attribute to indicate the context? for (var i=0; i < g_arrContextElements.length; i++) { if (oElement.className == g_arrContextElements[i]) { return true } } return false } function isContextRelatedElement( oElement ) { // Is oElement an element whose display depends on a child elements context? for (var i=0; i < g_arrContextRelatedElements.length; i++) { if (oElement.className == g_arrContextRelatedElements[i]) { return true } } return false } function showContentForContextElement(oElement,oLinksElement) { if (isContextElement(oElement)) { if (hasTheContext(getElementContext(oElement),g_strCurrentContext)) { if (oElement.className == 'LINK') { setStylePropertyByElement( oLinksElement, 'display', '' ) // display the related LINKS container } if (oElement.className == 'SUBTOPIC_CHOICE') { var oSubtopicChoicesElement = getElementById('SUBTOPIC_CHOICES') if (oSubtopicChoicesElement != null) { setStylePropertyByElement( oSubtopicChoicesElement, 'display', '' ) // display the related LINKS container } } setStylePropertyByElement( oElement, 'display', '' ) // display the element } else { setStylePropertyByElement( oElement, 'display', 'none' ) // hide the element } } } function showContextContent() { // Display all elements appropriate for the context var oElement var oLinksElement //First, make sure that the current context is up-to-date setCurrentContext() if (isIE4) { for (var i = 0; i != document.all.length; i++) { oElement = document.all[i] if (oElement.className == 'LINKS') { oLinksElement = oElement } showContentForContextElement(oElement,oLinksElement) } } else if (isNav6) { var colElements //elements with INSTRUCTIONS, MORE_INFO, LINKS className are
tags colElements = document.getElementsByTagName("div") for (var i = 0; i != colElements.length; i++) { oElement = colElements[i] if (oElement.className == 'LINKS') { oLinksElement = oElement } showContentForContextElement(oElement,oLinksElement) } //elements with LINK className are tags colElements = document.getElementsByTagName("a") for (var i = 0; i != colElements.length; i++) { oElement = colElements[i] showContentForContextElement(oElement,oLinksElement) } } } function hideContentForContextElement(oElement) { if ( (isContextElement(oElement)) || (isContextRelatedElement(oElement)) ) { setStylePropertyByElement( oElement, 'display', 'none' ) // hide the element } } function hideContextContent() { // Hide all elements that have context var oElement if (isIE4) { for (var i = 0; i != document.all.length; i++) { oElement = document.all[i] hideContentForContextElement(oElement) } } else if (isNav6) { var colElements //elements with INSTRUCTIONS, MORE_INFO, LINKS className are
tags colElements = document.getElementsByTagName("div") for (var i = 0; i != colElements.length; i++) { oElement = colElements[i] hideContentForContextElement(oElement) } //elements with LINK className are tags colElements = document.getElementsByTagName("a") for (var i = 0; i != colElements.length; i++) { oElement = colElements[i] hideContentForContextElement(oElement) } } } function toggleTips( strTipsID, strTipsImageID ) { var oTipsImageElement = getElementById( strTipsImageID ) if (isIE4 || isNav6) { if ( getStylePropertyById( strTipsID,'display')=='none' ) { setStylePropertyById( strTipsID, 'display', 'block' ) //show the Tips if (oTipsImageElement != null) { //show the down arrow oTipsImageElement.src = g_arrArrowImages[1] } } else { setStylePropertyById( strTipsID, 'display', 'none' ) //hide the Tips if (oTipsImageElement != null) { //show the right arrow oTipsImageElement.src = g_arrArrowImages[0] } } } else {} //so Nav4 won't return error } function takeMeThere( strURL, strWindowName ) { strURL, strWindowName ) } function toggleALTTOCImg( element, strEvent ) { // redirect to the ti function ti( element, strEvent ) } function ti( element, strEvent ) { var oElement; oElement = getElementObject( element ); if (oElement != null) { var strSrc = oElement.src; var intIndex = strSrc.lastIndexOf("/"); var strSrcRoot = ""; var strImgName = strSrc; var strNewImgName; if (intIndex >= 0) { strSrcRoot = strSrc.substring(0,intIndex+1); strImgName = strSrc.substring(intIndex+1,strSrc.length); } strImgName = strImgName.substring(0,strImgName.length - 4); switch (strImgName) { case "question_icon": strNewImgName = 'question_icon_hover'; break; case "question_icon_hover": strNewImgName = 'question_icon'; break; case "widget_plus": if ( strEvent == 'r') strNewImgName = 'widget_plus_hvr'; else if ( strEvent == 't') strNewImgName = 'widget_plus'; else strNewImgName = 'widget_minus'; break; case "widget_plus_hvr": if ( strEvent == 't') strNewImgName = 'widget_plus'; else strNewImgName = 'widget_minus'; break; case "widget_minus": if ( strEvent == 'r') strNewImgName = 'widget_minus_hvr'; else if ( strEvent == 't') strNewImgName = 'widget_minus'; else strNewImgName = 'widget_plus'; break; case "widget_minus_hvr": if ( strEvent == 't') strNewImgName = 'widget_minus'; else strNewImgName = 'widget_plus'; break; } oElement.src = strSrcRoot + strNewImgName + '.gif'; } } /********************************************************************** Generic Cross Browser Code **********************************************************************/ function setBrowser() { //Simple browser sniffer if (document.all) { isIE4 = true } else if (document.layers) { isNav4 = true } else if (document.getElementById) { isNav6 = true //also true for IE5.5 } } setBrowser(); // determine which browser we are using function blur( oElement ) { oElement.blur() } function existsForm( name ) { if ( typeof document.forms[name] == "object" ) return true else return false } function getElementById( strId ) { if (isNav6) { return document.getElementById( strId ); } else if (isIE4) { return document.all[strId] } else { return null } } function getElementObject( element ) { var oElement = null; // get the element if (typeof element == "object") { oElement = element; } else if (typeof element == "string") { oElement = getElementById( element ); } return oElement; } function getStyleBySelector( selector ) { if (!isNav6) { return null; } var sheetList = document.styleSheets; var ruleList; var i, j; /* look through stylesheets in reverse order that they appear in the document */ for (i=sheetList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { ruleList = sheetList[i].cssRules; for (j=0; j -1 ) { oElement.src = strImg2; } else { oElement.src = strImg1; } } } function changeImg( element, strImg ) { var oElement; oElement = getElementObject( element ); if (oElement != null) { var strSrc = oElement.src; oElement.src = strImg; } } /********************************************************************** End Generic Cross-Browser Code **********************************************************************/ .DEFINITIONS {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} .FAQ_ENTRY {margin-top: 4px;} .FAQ_ANSWER {margin: 4px 0px 4px 15px;} .GLOSSARY_TEXT {font-style:italic;color:green;} .HEADING {font-weight:bold;} .INSTRUCTION{} .INSTRUCTIONS {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} .INSTRUCTION_INTRO {margin-bottom: 1.0em;} .INSTRUCTION_LIST {padding-top: 8px;margin: 0em 0em 0em 2em;} .INTRO {margin-bottom: 1.0em;} .ISSUES {margin-left:10pt;} .ISSUE {} .LINKHEAD {font-size: 100%; font-weight:bold; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;} .LINKS {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} .MEGA_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT {margin: 4px 0px 4px 15px;} .MORE_INFO {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION {margin: 6px 0px 4px -25px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_LEFT_CELL {margin:0px;padding:0px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_RIGHT_CELL{margin:0px;padding:0px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_ARROW{margin:2px 11px 0px 4px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_SPAN{display:block;margin-left: 6px;padding-top: 2px;} .STATEMENT {font-weight:bold;} .SOLUTION {} .SUPERTOPIC_CHOICES {margin-bottom: 1.0em;} .SUBTOPIC_CHOICES {margin-bottom: 1.0em;} .TAKE_ME_THERE_INSTRUCTIONS {margin: 4px 0px 4px 0px;} .TASKS {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} .TD_SUPERTOPIC_CHOICE_BUTTON {vertical-align: top; padding: 0 em;} .TD_SUPERTOPIC_CHOICE_TEXT {vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 0px;} .TD_SUBTOPIC_CHOICE_BUTTON {vertical-align: top; padding: 0 em;} .TD_SUBTOPIC_CHOICE_TEXT {vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 0px;} .TD_GRAY {background: #F5F7FC; margin:0 px; padding:0 px;} .TroubleshootLink {margin-bottom: 1.1em;} a:link, a.ONCLICK { color: #0033CC; } a.TMT_LINK {color:#59628B;} a:visited { color: #0033CC; } a:active { color: #0033CC; } a:hover, a.ONCLICKhover, a.TMT_LINKhover { color: #FF6600; } a.ONCLICKhover, a.TMT_LINKhover { cursor:hand; text-decoration:underline; } /* CHM only */ #chmtitle {margin:1em -1em .8em -1em; padding:.4em .5em .4em .9em; font-size:100%; color:#003380; font-weight:bold;} /* LEGACY (for backward compatibility) */ a.GLOSSARY:link, a.TIP { color: #0033CC; } a.GLOSSARY:visited { color: #0033CC; } a.GLOSSARY:active { color: #0033CC; } a.GLOSSARY:hover, a.TIPhover { color: #FF6600; } a.TIPhover { cursor:hand; text-decoration:underline; } a.TAKE_ME_THERE_LINK {color:#59628B;} P
  • PA body { color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; font-size: 70%; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif,Sans; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; margin-top: 0em; overflow-y:scroll; scrollbar-base-color:#E0F0F0; scrollbar-face-color:#E8E8E8; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#C0C0C0; line-height:125%; } a:link { color: #0033CC; text-decoration:none;} a:visited { color: #0033CC; text-decoration:none;} a:active { color: #0033CC; text-decoration:none;} a:hover { color: #FF6600; text-decoration:underline;} h1 { font-size: 130%; margin-bottom: .5em; } h2 { font-size: 125%; margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: .5em; } h3 { font-size: 120%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; } h4 { font-size: 110%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; } h5 { font-size: 100%; color:#003380; margin-left: -1em; margin-right:-1em; padding-top: .4em; margin-bottom:.8em; padding-left: .9em; padding-right:.5em; padding-bottom: .4em; background-color: #F5F7FC; border-bottom: 1 solid #A0B4E0; } h5.proclabel {font-weight: bold;} h5.conclabel {font-weight: bold;} h5.troulabel {font-weight: bold} h5.formlabel {font-weight: bold} h5.orglabel {font-weight: bold} ol { margin-top: 0.4em; margin-bottom: 0.4em; margin-left: 1.7em; margin-right: 0.4em; } ul { margin-top: 0.4em; margin-bottom: 0.4em; margin-left: 1.7em; margin-right: 0.4em;} ol li {margin-bottom: .4em;} ul li {margin-bottom: .4em;} dd { margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 1.5em; } dt { margin-top: 2em; } pre { margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } code { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 125% } table { font-size: 100%; margin-top: .75em; margin-bottom: .75em; padding: .2em; } th { text-align: left; vertical-align: bottom; } th.gray {background: #dddddd} tr { vertical-align: top; } td {vertical-align: top} td.gray { background: #EEEEEE} p { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: .6em} p.proclabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; } p.troulabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; } p.conclabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; } p.formlabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; } p.orglabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; } p.orgitem { font-size: 70%; font-weight: bold; } p.margin { margin-left: 2em; } p.indent { margin-left: 2em; } p.otherh {font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 1.1em;} div.notes {margin-top:1.2em;} {margin-top:1.2em;} div.notes p.otherh {color:#000000;} div b {margin-top: .7em; font-weight:bold;} div p { margin-top: .4em; margin-bottom: .4em;} div.reltopics{background-color: #ffffff; margin-left:-1em; margin-right:-1em; margin-top:1.2em; padding-top:.5em; padding-bottom:.5em; padding-left:1em; margin-bottom:.5em; border-top: 1 solid #A0B4E0; } div.reltopics p{margin:0em; padding-right:.5em; margin-top:.4em;} div.toc { margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 0; } p.toc{ margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px; margin-left: 15px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif,Sans; } ul.toc{ margin-left: 15px; padding:0; margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: -15px; } { margin-left: -15px; padding-right: 5px; vertical-align:baseline; } img.plusminus { margin-left: -15px; padding-right: 5px; vertical-align:baseline; } PWindows Live Help ​​​​​

    Microsoft Service Agreement Last Updated: March 2010

    1. What the Contract Covers.

    This is a contract between you and the Microsoft company referenced in section 22. Sometimes the Microsoft company is referred to as 'Microsoft,' 'we,' 'us' or 'our'. This contract applies to any Windows Live, Bing, MSN, Microsoft Office Live, Microsoft Office Online or other Microsoft software or services, including updates, that display or link to this contract and that you use while this contract is in force. All of the software or services are referred to in this contract as the 'service.' Sections 1 through 22 of this contract apply across the service. Sections 23 and 24 apply if the service involves payments to or from Microsoft. Sections 25 through 31 apply only if you use the software or services identified in those sections. Some of these services may not be available in your country.

    Please note that we do not provide warranties for the service. The contract also limits our liability. These terms are in sections 13 and 14, and we ask you to read them carefully.
    2. When You May Use the Service.

    You may start using the service as soon as you have finished the sign-up process. No withdrawal right or other 'cooling off' period applies to the service and you waive any applicable 'cooling off' period, except if the law requires a 'cooling off' period despite your waiver and even when a service starts right away.

    3. How You May Use the Service.

    In using the service, you will:

    4. How You May Not Use the Service.

    In using the service, you may not:

    • engage in, facilitate or further unlawful conduct;
    • use the service in a way that harms us or our advertisers, affiliates, resellers, distributors and/or vendors, or any customer of ours or our advertisers, affiliates, resellers, distributors and/or vendors;
    • use any portion of the service as a destination linked from any unsolicited bulk messages or unsolicited commercial messages ("spam");
    • use any automated process or service to access and/or use the service (such as a BOT, a spider, periodic caching of information stored by Microsoft, or "meta-searching");
    • use any unauthorized means to modify or reroute, or attempt to modify or reroute, the service;
    • damage, disable, overburden, or impair the service (or the network(s) connected to the service) or interfere with anyone's use and enjoyment of the service;
    • resell or redistribute the service, or any part of the service; or
    • use any unauthorized third-party software or service to access the Microsoft instant messaging network (currently known as the .NET Messenger Service). You can find a list of authorized third-party software at
    5. You Are Responsible For Your Service Account.

    Only you may use your service account. For some parts of the service, we may notify you that you may set up additional member accounts that are dependent on your account (an 'associated account'). You are responsible for all activity that takes place with your service account or an associated account. You may not authorize any third party to access and/or use the service on your behalf except where Microsoft provides a mechanism for third parties to access the service on your behalf.

    6. Associated Accounts; Accounts From Third Parties.

    If you are the user of an associated account, the holder of the service account has full control over your associated account. This includes the right to end the service, close or alter your associated account at any time and, in some cases, request and receive machine and service use information related to your associated account. If a third party, such as an ISP, employer or school, gave you your account, the third party has rights to your account. The third party may manage your account, reset your password, or suspend or terminate your account; view your account’s usage and profile data, including how and when your account is used; and read or store the content in your account, including electronic communications, contact lists and other information.

    7. Microsoft Authentication Network.

    We may provide you with credentials on our authentication network to use with the service. You are solely responsible for any dealings with third parties (including advertisers) who use our authentication network, including the delivery of and payment for goods. This contract applies to you whenever you use the credentials you obtained with the service. When you use our authentication network to gain access to any site, the terms and conditions for that site, if different from this contract, may also apply to you in your use of that site. Please refer to the terms of use for each site that you visit. We may cancel or suspend your access to our authentication network for inactivity, which we define as failing to sign in to our authentication network for an extended period, as determined by us, or if you violate this contract. If we cancel your credentials, your right to use our authentication network immediately ceases.

    8. Your Content.

    You may be able to submit content for use in connection with the service. You understand that Microsoft does not control or endorse the content that you and others post or provide on the service. Except for material that we license to you, we do not claim ownership of the content you post or provide on the service.

    The service includes public areas available to the general public, shared areas available to others you have selected and personal areas where you have not granted access to others. If you share content with others on the service, in either public or shared areas, then you understand and agree that others with whom you have shared content may use that content. You grant to those members of the public to whom you have permitted access free, nonexclusive permission to use, copy, distribute and display the content solely in connection with the service and other Microsoft products and services. If you do not want others to have those rights, please do not share your content with them.

    You understand that Microsoft may need and you hereby authorize Microsoft to use, modify, copy, distribute and display content posted on the service to the extent necessary to provide the service. This includes:

    • storing and retrieving the content;
    • making the content available to you and to those members of the public to whom you have granted access or to the general public (for content posted on public areas of the service);
    • conforming to connecting networks' technical requirements; and
    • conforming to the limitations and terms of the service.

    You understand that sharing content that violates others' copyrights and other intellectual property rights violates this contract. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights necessary for you to grant the rights in this section 8 and that the use and publication of the content does not breach any law. We will not pay you for your content. We may refuse to publish your content and may remove your content from the service at any time.

    9. Privacy.

    In order to operate and provide the service, we collect certain information about you. We use and protect that information as described in the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement, In particular, we may access or disclose information about you, including the content of your communications, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of Microsoft or our customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies governing your use of the service; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of Microsoft employees, customers or the public.

    The service is a private computer network that Microsoft operates for the benefit of itself and its customers. Microsoft retains the right to block or otherwise prevent delivery of any type of email or other communication to or from the service as part of our efforts to protect the service, protect our customers or stop you from breaching this contract. The technology or other means we use may hinder or break your use of the service.

    In order to provide you the service, we may collect certain information about service performance, your machine and your service use. We may automatically upload this information from your machine. This data will not be used to personally identify you. You may read about this information collection in more detail in the privacy statement at

    Personal information collected through the service may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its affiliates, subsidiaries or agents maintain facilities. By using the service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country. Microsoft abides by the safe harbor framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of data from the European Union.

    10. Software.

    If you receive software from us as part of the service, your use of that software is under the terms of the license that is presented to you for acceptance for that software. If there is no license presented to you, or unless otherwise stated in this contract, then we grant you the right to use the software only for the authorized use of the service on that number of computers stated in your service offer. We reserve all other rights to the software.

    We may automatically check your version of the software. We may automatically download upgrades to the software to your computer to update, enhance and further develop the service.

    Unless we notify you otherwise, your license to use the software will end on the date your service ends, and you must promptly uninstall the software. We may disable the software after the date the service ends.

    You will not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer any software included in the service, except and only to the extent that the law expressly permits this activity.

    The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users, and end use. Without limitation, you may not transfer the software or service without U.S. government permission to anyone on U.S. government exclusion lists (see Commerce Department’s Lists to Check); the governments of Iran, Sudan, or Cuba; or prohibited members of the Cuban Communist Party. You represent and warrant that you are not on any of those lists or under the control of or an agent for anyone on those lists or the entities listed above. For more information, see the Exporting Microsoft Products website (

    If you use the software to access content that has been protected with Microsoft Digital Rights Management (DRM), in order to let you play the content, the software may automatically request media usage rights from a rights server on the Internet and download and install available DRM updates. For more information, see

    11. Font Components.

    You may use the fonts installed by the service to display and print content only to embed fonts in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions in the fonts and temporarily download them to a printer or other output device to print content.

    12. How We May Change the Contract.

    If we change this contract, then we will tell you at least 30 days before the change takes place. If you do not agree to these changes, then you must cancel and stop using the service before the change takes place. If you do not stop using the service, then your use of the service will continue under the changed contract.


    We provide the service 'as-is,' 'with all faults' and 'as available.' We do not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of information available from the service. We and our affiliates, resellers, distributors and vendors (collectively, the 'Microsoft parties') give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws that this contract cannot change. We exclude any implied warranties including those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, workmanlike effort and non-infringement.


    You can recover from the Microsoft parties only direct damages up to an amount equal to your service fee for one month. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect, incidental or punitive damages.

    This limitation applies to anything related to:

    • the service,
    • content (including code) on third-party Internet sites, third-party programs or third-party conduct,
    • viruses or other disabling features that affect your access to or use of the service,
    • incompatibility between the service and other services, software and hardware,
    • delays or failures you may have in initiating, conducting or completing any transmissions or transactions in connection with the service in an accurate or timely manner, and
    • claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence or other tort.
    It also applies even if:
    • this remedy does not fully compensate you for any losses, or fails of its essential purpose; or
    • Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages.
    Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. They also may not apply to you because your province or country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages.
    15. Changes to the Service; If We Cancel the Service; Pre-Release.

    We may change the service or delete features at any time and for any reason. We may cancel or suspend your service at any time. Our cancellation or suspension may be without cause and/or without notice. Upon service cancellation, your right to use the service stops right away. Once the service is cancelled or suspended, any data you have stored on the service may not be retrieved later. Our cancellation of the service will not alter your obligation to pay all charges made to your billing account. If we cancel the service in its entirety without cause, then we will refund to you on a pro-rata basis the amount of payments that you have made corresponding to the portion of your service remaining right before the cancellation. A particular service may be a pre-release version and may not work correctly or in the way a final version might work. There may be interruptions or extended downtimes. We may significantly change the final version or decide not to release a final version at all.

    16. Interpreting the Contract.

    All parts of this contract apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. A court may hold that we cannot enforce a part of this contract as written. If this happens, then you and we will replace that part with terms that most closely match the intent of the part that we cannot enforce. The rest of this contract will not change. This is the entire contract between you and us regarding your use of the service. It supersedes any prior contract or statements regarding your use of the service. If you have confidentiality obligations related to the service, those obligations remain in force (for example, you may have been a beta tester). The section titles in the contract do not limit the other terms of this contract. If you are accessing the service within Germany, the agreement located at applies.

    17. Assignment.

    We may assign this contract, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice to you. You may not assign this contract, or any part of it, to any other person. Any attempt by you to do so is void. You may not transfer to anyone else, either temporarily or permanently, any rights to use the service or any part of the service.

    18. No Third Party Beneficiaries.

    This contract is solely for your and our benefit. It is not for the benefit of any other person, except for permitted successors and assigns under this contract.

    19. Claim Must Be Filed Within One Year.

    Any claim related to this contract or the service may not be brought unless brought within one year. The one-year period begins on the date when the claim first could be filed. If it is not filed in time, then that claim is permanently barred. This applies to you and your successors. It also applies to us and our successors and assigns.

    20. Your Notices to Us.

    You may notify us as stated in the customer support or 'help' area for the service. We do not accept e-mail notices.

    21. Notices We Send You; Consent Regarding Electronic Information.

    This contract is in electronic form. We have promised to send you certain information in connection with the service and have the right to send you certain additional information. There may be other information regarding the service that the law requires us to send you. We may send you this information in electronic form. You have the right to withdraw this consent, but if you do, we may cancel your service. We may provide required information to you:

    • by e-mail at the e-mail address you specified when you signed up for your service;
    • by access to a Microsoft web site that will be designated in an e-mail notice sent to you at the time the information is available; or
    • by access to a Microsoft web site that will be generally designated in advance for this purpose.
    Notices provided to you via e-mail will be deemed given and received on the transmission date of the e-mail. As long as you can access and use the service, you have the necessary software and hardware to receive these notices. If you do not consent to receive any notices electronically, you must stop using the service.
    22. Contracting Party, Choice of Law and Location for Resolving Disputes.

    This contract is between you and the Microsoft company for your country or region. In this section, find the country or region where you live (if you are signing up for the service as an individual person) or your business is located (if you are signing up for services for your business) in the subsections below, and in that subsection you will find the Microsoft company that is contracting with you and the choice of law and the location for resolving disputes with the Microsoft company.

    1. North and South America Region. If you live or your business is headquartered in Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, United States, Uruguay or Venezuela, then you are contracting with Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States, and Washington state law governs the interpretation of this contract and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. All other claims, including claims regarding consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort, will be subject to the laws of your state of residence in the United States, or if you live outside the United States, the laws of the country to which we direct your service. You and we irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state or federal courts in King County, Washington, U.S.A., for all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract.
    2. Europe, Middle East and Africa. If you live or your business is headquartered in Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom or Yemen, then you are contracting with Microsoft Luxembourg S.à.r.l., 20 Rue Eugene Ruppert, Immeuble Laccolith, 1st Floor, L-2543 Luxembourg, and the laws of Luxembourg govern the interpretation of this contract and apply to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. All other claims, including claims regarding consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort, will be subject to the laws of the country to which we direct your service. You and we irrevocably agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Luxembourg courts for all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract.
    3. Japan. If you live or your business is headquartered in Japan, and you receive software from us as part of the service, then, unless we tell you otherwise, you are licensing the software from Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd, 1 Marina Boulevard, #22-01 One Marina Blvd, Singapore 01898. Otherwise you are contracting with Microsoft Company Ltd (MSKK), Odakyu Southern Tower, 2-2-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8583. The laws of Japan govern this contract and any matters arising out of or relating to this contract. You and we irrevocably agree that exclusive original jurisdiction and venue will lie in the Tokyo District Court.
    4. Asia Pacific. If you live or your business is headquartered in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam, then you are contracting with Microsoft Operations, Pte Ltd, 1 Marina Boulevard, #22-01 One Marina Blvd, Singapore 01898, and the laws of Singapore govern this contract. You and we irrevocably agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Singapore courts for all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Center, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman of SIAC. The language of arbitration shall be English. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and incontestable and may be used as a basis for judgment thereon in any country or region.
    5. India. If you live or your business is headquartered in India, then you are contracting with Microsoft Regional Sales Corporation, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada, USA, with a branch in Singapore, having its principal place of business at 438B Alexandra Road, #04-09/12, Block B, Alexandra Technopark, Singapore, 119968, and the laws of Washington state law govern this contract, regardless of conflict of laws principles. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Center, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman of SIAC. The language of arbitration shall be English. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and incontestable and may be used as a basis for judgment thereon in India or elsewhere.
    6. China. If you live or your business is headquartered in China, then you are contracting with Shanghai MSN Network Communications Technology Company Limited, 10/F, Grand Gateway Block 2, No. 3 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai, China 200030, for your use of MSN, Bing or Windows Live Messenger. For your use of all other services under this agreement, you are contracting with Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States, and Washington state law governs this contract, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The jurisdiction of the state or federal courts in King County, Washington, United States is non-exclusive.
    7. Korea. If you live or your business is headquartered in Korea, then you are contracting with Microsoft Korea, Inc., POSCO Bldg, 8th Floor, 892 Daechi 4-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea 135-777, and the laws of the Republic of Korea govern this contract. You and we irrevocably agree to exclusive original jurisdiction and venue in the Seoul District Court.
    8. Taiwan. If you live or your business is headquartered in Taiwan, then you are contracting with Microsoft Taiwan Corporation, 8F, No 7 Sungren Road, Shinyi Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 110, and the laws of Taiwan govern this contract. You and we irrevocably designate the Taipei District Court as the court of first instance having jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract.
    23. If You Pay Microsoft.
    23.1 Charges.

    This section 23 applies in all situations in which you directly pay us. If you pay a company other than us for the service, then the charges and billing terms are as stated by the other company. Even if you do not pay for the service, you may still incur charges incidental to using the service; for example, charges for Internet access, mobile text messaging, or other data transmission.

    23.2 Payment.

    When you create a billing account, you enter your payment method. You must be authorized to use the payment method. You authorize us to charge you for the service using your payment method and for any paid feature of the service for which you choose to sign up or use while this contract is in force. Billing of service charges to your payment method may occur (a) in advance; (b) at the time for purchase; (c) shortly after purchase; or (d) on a recurring basis for subscription services. We may charge you a different amount than what you approved. If it is a greater amount, we will tell you the amount and the date of the charge at least 10 days before we make the charge. Also, we may charge you up to the amount you have approved, and we will notify you in advance of the difference for recurring subscription services. We may bill you for more than one of your prior billing periods together. If we informed you that the service will be provided indefinitely or automatically renewed, we may automatically renew your service and charge you for any renewal term.

    23.3 Updates to Your Billing Account.

    You must keep all information in your billing account current, including your billing address and the expiration date of your credit card. You can access your billing account at, where you can make changes to your billing account. You may change your payment method at any time. If you tell us to stop using your payment method, we may cancel your service. Your notice to us will not affect charges we submit to your billing account before we reasonably could act on your request.

    23.4 Trial Period Offers.

    You may have received a limited time of free service or some other trial period offer. Unless we notify you otherwise, if you are participating in any trial period offer, you must cancel the service by the end of the trial period to avoid incurring charges. If you do not cancel your service, and we have informed you that the service will automatically be converted into a paid subscription at the end of the trial period, then you authorize us to charge your payment method for the service.

    23.5 Prices and Price Increases.

    The price for the service excludes all taxes and phone charges, unless stated otherwise. You are responsible for any taxes that you are obligated to pay or that we may collect from you. You are responsible for all other charges (for example, phone charges). Currency exchange settlements are based on your agreement with your payment method provider. We may change the price of the service from time to time, but we will tell you before we do.

    • If there is a specific time length and price for your service offer, then that price will remain in force for that time. After the offer period ends, your use of the service will be charged at the new price.
    • If your service is on a period basis (for example, monthly), with no specific time length, then we will tell you the date of any price change. That date will be not less than 30 days after we tell you of the price change.
    If you do not agree to these changes, then you must cancel and stop using the service before the changes take place. If you cancel your service, then your service ends at the end of your current service time length or, if we bill your account on a period basis, at the end of the period in which you cancelled.
    23.6 Refund Policies.

    Unless otherwise provided by law or in connection with any particular service offer, all charges are non-refundable and the costs of any returns will be at your expense.

    23.7 Online Statement; Errors.

    We will provide you with an online billing statement. This is the only billing statement that we provide. Go to to view, print or request a paper copy of this statement. If you request a paper copy, we may charge you a retrieval fee. We will only provide paper copies for the past 120 days. If we make an error on your bill, we will correct it promptly after you tell us and we investigate the charge. You must tell us within 120 days after an error first appears on your bill. You release us from all liability and claims of loss resulting from any error that you do not report to us within 120 days after the error first appears on your online statement. If you do not tell us within this time, we will not be required to correct the error. We can correct billing errors at any time.

    23.8 Canceling the Service.

    You may cancel the service at any time, with or without cause. Go to to obtain information on cancelling your service. Certain service offers may require cancellation charges, and you will pay all cancellation charges as specified in the materials describing the offer. Cancellation of the service by you will not alter your obligation to pay all charges made to your billing account.

    23.9 Late Payments.

    Except to the extent prohibited by law, we may assess a late charge if you do not pay on time. You must pay these late charges when we bill you for them. The late charge will be the lesser of 1% of the unpaid amount each month or the maximum rate that is permitted by law. We may use a third party to collect past due amounts. You must pay for all reasonable costs we incur to collect any past due amounts. These costs may include reasonable attorneys' fees and other legal fees and costs. We may suspend or cancel your service if you fail to pay in full on time.

    23.10 Internet Access Service.

    If the service does not include Internet access, then you are responsible for paying the fees charged by your Internet access provider. Those fees are in addition to the fees you pay us for the service. The rest of this section applies only if your service includes Internet access. This service may not be available in your country.

    If you use a dial-up modem, you are responsible for determining if the numbers you select will incur toll charges. To do this you must contact your telephone company first. Tell it the numbers you consider using. Your telephone company can tell you if using those numbers will trigger additional charges. Ask it if there are other telephone service charges you will incur using those numbers. You should contact your phone company even if we provided the number as an appropriate access number for you. We rely on others to provide us with that information. Unfortunately, sometimes it is wrong. If you incur any extra charges, then you must pay them. We will not reimburse you for them.

    You also will pay any additional charges you incur if you connect to the service through a service telephone number while you are in a country that is not the country associated with your service account ('roaming charges'). Roaming charges are in addition to any long distance telephone charges you may incur when connecting to the service from another country. Please check the service information area to view the current rates for roaming charges. You may also incur additional charges if your usage of the service exceeds the number of hours covered by your service plan.

    24. Payments to You.

    Your right to any payment due you under a service is conditioned upon you promptly providing us with all information we require to properly make the payment (for example, bank account information for receiving the payment). We will use reasonable efforts to tell you what information we require in advance of your use of the applicable service. Even if we do not tell you in advance, you must provide us the information we request before your right to receive the payment accrues. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide and any taxes you may incur as a result of receiving a payment. You must also comply with any other conditions we place on your right to any payment. If you receive a payment that was not due to you, we may reverse or seek return of the payment and you agree to cooperate with us in our efforts to do this.

    25. Microsoft Office Live.

    The following additional terms apply to Microsoft Office Live.

    • Your Dealings with Others. If you obtain anything from a third party (including third-party offered services) through the service, you understand that your relationship with respect to those things is with the third party directly and not with Microsoft. In the event you assert a claim that relates to or implicates your relationship with a third party, you shall only assert such claim against the third party, and you will not assert any such claim against Microsoft, even if Microsoft assisted in billing for the third-party offering. You are solely responsible for your dealings with any third party, including
      • delivery of and payment for goods and services;
      • processing and verifying orders, payments and other transactions;
      • customer support related to orders or transactions (e.g., lost orders, billing disputes, payments, etc.);
      • determining, collecting and remitting to the appropriate authority all taxes (if any) arising from or related to such orders or transactions; and
      • the purchase and use by you and your associated accounts of any third-party products and services.
      You represent and warrant that
      • the products and services you advertise, sell and distribute are legal for sale and distribution and do not violate this contract;
      • you have all licenses necessary to sell, distribute and advertise the goods and services you offer; and
      • all sales and advertisements will comply with applicable law.
    • Your Privacy Practices. In using the service, you may be able to collect personal information about third parties through your dealings with such third parties. If you do, you agree to (a) post a privacy policy on your web site that, at a minimum, discloses any and all uses of personal information that you collect from such third parties, (b) provide a hypertext link to your privacy policy on the home page of your web site and on all pages where you collect personal information from third parties, including on checkout pages, and (c) use personal information only as expressly permitted by your privacy policy.
    • Domain Name Service.
      1. If you register, renew or transfer a domain name through the service, Microsoft connects you with an accredited registrar, Melbourne IT Limited. Melbourne IT or another accredited registrar will register, renew or transfer the domain name. The domain service contracts for ccTLDs and gTLDs (the 'Domain Service Contracts') are contracts between Melbourne IT or another accredited registrar and you, and not between Microsoft and you. The Domain Service Contracts apply to the registration, renewal and transfer of your domain name. Your use of the domain name is also subject to the policies of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ('ICANN'). These policies include the ICANN Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy located at http

        Microsoft does not control the availability of any domain name you seek to register or renew. You represent and warrant that any domain name you register, renew or transfer through the service and Melbourne IT will not infringe the rights of third parties.

      2. Public registry. You understand that your contact information, such as your name, postal address, phone number and e-mail address, will be collected by Melbourne IT and placed in a public registry.
      3. Termination of service. Except during the first five days after you subscribe to the service, if you or we cancel your service, your domain name will remain registered for its current annual term. However, it will no longer work with the service. It will not work with your e-mail service or point to your web site. You will be responsible for renewing and paying the applicable renewal fee for your domain name after you or we cancel your service.
    • Back Up Your Data. Upon termination or cancellation of the service by you or us for any reason, Microsoft may delete your data permanently from our servers. You are responsible for taking all necessary steps to back up your data and ensuring that you maintain your primary means of business.
    26. Microsoft Office Online and Office Web Application Media Elements and Templates.

    If you use Microsoft Office Online or the Microsoft Office Web Applications, you may have access to media images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, video clips, templates and other forms of content ('media elements') provided with the software or as part of a service associated with the software. You may copy and use the media elements in projects and documents. You may not (i) sell, license or distribute copies of the media elements by themselves or as a product if the primary value of the product is the media elements; (ii) grant your customers rights to further license or distribute the media elements; (iii) license or distribute for commercial purposes media elements that include the representation of identifiable individuals, governments, logos, trademarks, or emblems or use these types of images in ways that could imply an endorsement or association with your product, entity or activity; or (iv) create obscene works using the media elements. For more information, go to

    27. Microsoft Points.

    Microsoft Points is a service under which you can acquire Points and redeem those Points for certain online services and digital products. You can see how many Points you have by checking your Points balance at You can obtain selected services or digital products that we elect to offer in exchange for Points. You can do this by redeeming your Points as indicated in the particular messaging you see for those offers.

    You can acquire Points in a variety of ways. For example, you can purchase Points, or certain services may give you Points for using the service or specific features of the service (also known as 'promotion Points'). You can earn promotion Points only for actions you actually complete. You are responsible for any tax consequences that may result from your participation in the Points service.

    When you obtain Points, you have obtained a limited license to a digital product. Points have no monetary value. You may not obtain any cash or money in exchange for Points, regardless of how you acquired those Points. Points are not your personal property. Your only recourse for using Points is to obtain the specific online services or digital products that we offer for Points redemption. We may further restrict your Points redemption offers based on your country of residence. We encourage you to redeem your Points. The existence of a particular offer available for Points redemption is not a commitment by us to maintain or continue to make the offers in the future. The scope, variety and type of online services and digital products that you may obtain by redeeming Points can change at any time. We have no obligation to continue making offers available for Points redemption.

    Promotion Points may expire at any time, as set forth in the messages related to that promotion. We may cancel, suspend or otherwise limit your access to your Points balance if we suspect fraudulent, abusive or unlawful activity on your Points balance. Once we delete Points from a balance, we will not reinstate them, except at our discretion. When we cancel, suspend or otherwise limit access to your Points balance, your right to use your Points balance immediately ceases. We will use reasonable efforts to investigate Points balances that are subject to access limitations and to reach a final decision on the limitations promptly. In addition, we may limit your use of the Points service, including applying limits to: the number of Points you may have credited to your Points balance at one time, the number of Points you may redeem within a given time period (for example, one day), and the number of promotion Points you may obtain in a single event.

    If we post Points to your balance for an activity that is subsequently voided, canceled or involves a returned item, then we will remove those Points from your balance. You must ensure that we properly post your Points to your Points balance. If you believe that you have validly acquired Points that we have not posted to your Points balance, we will not consider posting these Points unless you contact us within 12 months after the date you claimed to have acquired those Points. We may require reasonable documentation to support your claim.

    28. Bing cashback.

    You can participate in the Bing cashback service if you are 18 years or older, reside in the United States and satisfy the requirements described in this contract and at the Bing cashback web site ( Bing cashback is a service for you to accumulate savings for making qualifying purchases from participating stores. These savings may be redeemed later only when requested from within the United States via the payment instrument that you select for your cashback account, subject to minimum payout of $5.

    We rely on participating online stores to report purchases to us. Stores may not report your purchase to us if they determine that your purchase did not qualify for cashback savings because you did not comply with this contract or additional terms disclosed on the store's site, or if the store determines that you were not referred to the store by Bing cashback. We may also disqualify reported purchases based on our own determination that you have not complied with this contract or the terms disclosed on the store's site. Please review the exclusions carefully.

    You may earn up to Two Thousand Five Hundred U.S. Dollars ($2,500.00) of cashback savings in a calendar year, calculated based on when the participating store reports your purchases to us. You may earn cashback savings on purchases that you complete in the same web browsing session (not to exceed 24 hours) after clicking on advertisements or listings in the Bing service or the Bing cashback service. Eligible advertisements will be marked with the Bing cashback logo.

    You will not earn cashback savings on purchases where (a) you close your browser or open the store's web site in a different web browser or tab; (b) you click away from the store after clicking on an eligible advertisement; (c) your browser is not configured to accept cookies; (d) the purchase is not completed in the same web browsing session in which you click on the eligible advertisement or listing; (e) the order is later cancelled or the goods or services are later returned; (f) the store does not report the purchase to us; (g) the goods or services are acquired for resale or other business purposes; (h) you use a separate discount or coupon with your order; (i) you exceed the annual monetary cap on cashback savings; (j) you purchase gift cards or gift certificates; or (k) you make a purchase from yourself or from entities that you control or otherwise in collusion with other people.

    There may be additional or different limitations on purchases at certain stores, and those limitations will be disclosed on the store's site. Your participation in the Bing cashback service on such online stores will be subject to this contract as well as any additional terms and conditions disclosed on the store's site. In the event of a conflict between any of this contract and those terms and conditions disclosed on the store's site, the ones disclosed on the store's site will apply and control.

    To participate in the service you must set up a Bing cashback cashback account at by providing all of the required registration information. You must keep this account information up to date, accurate and secure. You may not barter, trade or otherwise exchange your account or maintain more than one account.

    We will describe the Bing cashback savings available for associated qualifying purchases. Participating stores are responsible for reporting qualifying purchases (and related returns, refunds and/or coupon use) to us. Within two days after a qualifying purchase is reported to us, we will list the purchase in your account with a status of 'pending.' The purchase will stay in pending status for a period of up to 60 days (although for certain stores, the period can extend up to 90 days) to account for returns, refunds, fraud and other processing issues. After this point, if the purchase is eligible for savings, it will be marked as 'available' in your account and the associated savings will be eligible for redemption as described below. You must ensure that we properly post savings to your account. If you believe that you have earned savings that are not posted to your account, we will not consider posting them to your account unless you contact us within six months after the date of the associated purchase. We may require reasonable documentation to support your claim.

    Bing cashback savings have no monetary value until the associated purchases are approved and you make a proper redemption request. You may request redemptions from your account, subject to then-current minimum redemption requirements. Redemptions for cash payments are subject to section 24 above. There may be additional limitations for redeeming savings on purchases from certain stores, and those limitations will be disclosed on the store site. We may offer additional redemption options. You are responsible for any tax liability from your participation in the service.

    We may disqualify transactions, reverse previously paid cashback savings, refuse redemptions and/or close your account at any time if you participate in any fraud or abuse relating to the service (including, without limitation, conducting 'sham' transactions or otherwise colluding with merchants), make any misrepresentation in connection with your participation in the service, maintain multiple accounts or do not otherwise comply with this contract. If you receive your cashback savings into your PayPal account, we may request that PayPal debit from your PayPal account the amounts we paid to you if we believe, in our sole discretion, that you should not have received the cashback savings for any of the reasons stated in this contract or any other agreement related to your eligibility for cashback savings. You authorize PayPal to honor our request to debit the amount of the cashback savings from your PayPal account. We also may close your account if it has been inactive for 12 months (i.e., no qualifying purchases or redemption of savings during the 12-month period). Accrued but unredeemed Bing cashback savings in accounts that are closed will be returned to Microsoft.

    We may share your information with stores and our business partners in the cashback program in order to help us address customer support and other issues related to your participation in the cashback program. After each purchase you make, the store you purchase from will send us your purchase information, which we will use to process your cashback. This information, plus the other information you provide when creating an account and using cashback is subject to the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement, available at

    Advertisers, participating stores and service providers for the Bing cashback service, while beneficiaries of the disclaimers and limitations of liability in sections 13 and 14 above, have no obligations to you for the service or under this contract.

    29. MSN Video.

    The videos and the embeddable video player available on MSN Video are for your non-commercial, personal use only and, unless otherwise indicated, may not be downloaded, copied or redistributed without authorization from the rightsholders. You may not use the MSN Video embeddable video player without Microsoft's prior written consent on any web site whose primary purpose is the display of advertising, collection of subscription revenues or direct competition with MSN Video. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the MSN Video embeddable video player may give rise to additional third-party costs, fees and royalties, including, without limitation, applicable public performance royalties in your market. The MSN Video embeddable video player is software for purposes of this contract.

    30. Bing Mobile Voice Activated Search.

    If you use the voice activated search feature in the Bing Mobile application, you consent to Microsoft recording and collecting your voice input. The voice input will be used to provide the Bing Mobile service to you and improve Microsoft voice recognition products and services. The feature is currently available only in the United States.

    31. Windows Live OneCare.

    The following additional terms apply to Windows Live OneCare services (e.g., Windows Live OneCare, Windows Live OneCare for Server) (including any software that is provided as part of the services) and any other services offered in conjunction with OneCare services. You may be prompted to accept additional contract terms that govern your installation and use of other software or services offered as part of a OneCare service. If any terms of this contract conflict with the terms of any other contract for use of other software or services offered with a OneCare service, the terms of this contract shall apply.

    1. Windows Live ID. You must obtain a Windows Live ID to subscribe to the service. For additional information, see
    2. License Grant.
      1. Paid Subscription. If you have purchased a subscription to a OneCare service, then for each subscription purchased, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable right to install and use the software during your Subscription Term on:
        1. Personal Computers. Up to three personal computers (each a 'PC') that you own or control using the same Windows Live ID that you used to install OneCare on the first PC; or
        2. Server. One server ('Server') that you own or control using the same Windows Live ID that you used to install OneCare on your Server.
      2. Trial Use. If you are a trial user, then we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable right to download, install and use one copy of the software on one PC for Windows Live OneCare and on one Server for Windows Live OneCare for Server during your Trial Period. At the end of your Trial Period, your license expires automatically, unless you purchase a paid subscription.

        If you do not purchase a subscription or if you cancel or do not renew your paid subscription, then you agree to delete all copies of the software in their entirety from all PCs or the Server, as applicable, upon the expiration of your Trial Period or Subscription Term.

    3. License Term.
      1. Paid Subscriptions. The 'Subscription Term' for paid subscriptions begins on the date that you activate the software and ends on the date corresponding to the number of subscription months that you have purchased (e.g., 12, 24 or 36 months). A renewal of your subscription must occur to continue receiving subscription services. Renewals may require additional or different license terms.
      2. Trial Use. The 'Trial Period' for trial use begins on the date that you install the software and ends on the date corresponding to the length of the trial offer (e.g., 90 days later).
    4. Updates. The Windows Live OneCare services require updates to work effectively. Updates are only available for download and use during your Subscription Term or Trial Period. Updates may also require additional contract terms that must be accepted before download and use.
    5. Refunds. For information about Microsoft's refund policies, contact the Microsoft company serving your country or region as set forth in section 22. See also
    6. Online Backup Feature. The Online Backup feature provides the capability to store and retrieve your digital photographs from our servers via the Internet during the applicable Online Backup Subscription Period, subject to the amount of online backup space provided with your subscription. If you cancel your Online Backup subscription or your subscription lapses, the copies of your photos stored with Online Backup will be deleted immediately.
    Notices and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement

    Under Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to service provider's designated agent. ALL INQUIRIES NOT RELEVANT TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WILL RECEIVE NO RESPONSE. See Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement at

    Copyright and Trademark Notices

    All contents of the service are Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties protect any software or content provided as part of the service. We or our suppliers own the title, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the software or content. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Live, Windows logo, MSN, MSN logo (butterfly), Bing, OneCare and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced herein may also be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, places or events is intended or should be inferred. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Certain software used in certain Microsoft web sites servers is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Copyright © 1991 -1996 Thomas G. Lane. All rights reserved. "gnuplot" software used in certain Microsoft web sites servers is copyright © 1986-1993 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley. All rights reserved.

    Potentially Unwanted Software

    If you remove or disable 'spyware,' 'adware' and other potentially unwanted software ('potentially unwanted software'), it may cause other software on your computer to stop working, and it may cause you to breach a license to use other software on your computer (such as where the other software installed the potentially unwanted software on your computer as a condition of your use of the other software). By using features of the service intended to help you remove or disable potentially unwanted software, it is possible that you will also remove or disable software that is not potentially unwanted software. If a feature of the service prompts you before removing or disabling potentially unwanted software, you are solely responsible for selecting which potentially unwanted software the service removes or disables. Before authorizing the removal of any potentially unwanted software, you should read the license agreements for the potentially unwanted software.

    Stock Quotes and Index Data (including Index Values)

    Stock quotes and index data (including, without limitation, index values) appearing on the service are supplied by Interactive Data Corporation ('IDC'). Unless otherwise indicated, stock quotes are delayed at least 20 minutes (NASDAQ stock quotes are delayed at least 15 minutes). Stock quotes indicated as "real-time quotes" are made available without delay following their receipt from IDC. Your actual receipt of real-time quotes may be affected by delays in transmission over the Internet and by other causes. All stock quotes are labeled with "time of last trade" to indicate the timeliness of the data. Index data is labeled with a date/time stamp to indicate the timeliness of the data.

    All information provided by IDC and its affiliates (the "IDC Information") included in the service is owned by or licensed to IDC and its affiliates, and any user is permitted to store, manipulate, analyze, reformat, print and display the IDC Information only for such user's personal use. In no event shall any user publish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise reproduce any IDC Information in any format to anyone, and no user shall use any IDC Information in or in connection with any business or commercial enterprise, including, without limitation, any securities, investment, accounting, banking, legal or media business or enterprise. Prior to the execution of a security trade based upon the IDC Information, you are advised to consult with your broker or other financial representative to verify pricing information. Neither IDC nor its affiliates or their respective licensors make any express or implied warranties (including, without limitation, any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use) regarding the IDC Information. The IDC Information is provided to the users "as is." Neither IDC nor its affiliates or their respective licensors will be liable to any user or anyone else for any interruption, inaccuracy, delays, error or omission, regardless of cause, in the IDC Information or for any damages (whether direct or indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary) resulting therefrom.

    You may not use any of the Dow Jones IndexesSM, index data (including, without limitation, index values), or the Dow Jones marks (including, without limitation, any of the foregoing provided as part of the IDC Information) in connection with the issuance, creation, sponsorship, trading, marketing or promotion of any financial instruments or investment products (e.g., derivatives, structured products, investment funds, exchange-traded funds, investment portfolios, etc. where the price, return and/or performance of the instrument or investment product is based on, related to, or intended to track, any of the Indexes or a proxy for any of the Indexes) without a separate written agreement with Dow Jones. Further, neither Dow Jones nor its licensors is giving investment advice, tax advice, legal advice, or other professional advice by providing the Dow Jones IndexesSM, and neither Dow Jones nor its licensors sponsor, recommend or endorse the purchase or sale of any security or investment.

    Third-Party Account Information in MSN Money "My Accounts" Service

    Each time you enter your account login and password information into the MSN Money "My Accounts" service (, you authorize Microsoft and its agents to access those third-party financial sites designated by you and to retrieve your financial information for display within the My Accounts service. You will choose a password when registering.

    MSN Bill Pay Service Terms of Use and Privacy Statement

    The MSN Bill Pay service is provided by a third party service provider. Click and to view the third party service provider's terms and conditions for use of the MSN Bill Pay service and the privacy policy applicable to how the third party service provider handles your data for the MSN Bill Pay service.

    Parental Controls

    Microsoft offers parental control protections that help you limit access to material that is harmful to minors. If you are interested in learning more about these protections, information is available at or other similar sites providing information on parental control protections.

    Financial Notice

    Microsoft is not a broker/dealer or registered investment advisor under United States federal securities law or securities laws of other jurisdictions, and does not advise individuals as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling securities or other financial products or services. Nothing contained in the service constitutes an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Microsoft does not endorse or recommend any particular financial products or services. Nothing contained in the service is intended to constitute professional advice, including but not limited to, investment or tax advice.

    Windows Supplemental Code

    PLEASE NOTE: Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live or where your business is headquartered, one of the Microsoft companies referenced in section 22) licenses this supplement to you. You may use a copy of this supplement with each validly licensed copy of Microsoft Windows software identified for use with it (the 'software'). You may not use it if you do not have a license for the software. The license terms for the software apply to your use of this supplement. This supplement is covered by the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement,

    Notice About the H.264/AVC Visual Standard and the VC-1 Video Standard

    The software may include H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and/or VC-1 decoding technology. MPEG LA, L.L.C. requires this notice:


    For clarification purposes only, this notice does not limit or inhibit the use of the software provided under this agreement for normal business uses that are personal to that business which do not include (i) redistribution of the software to third parties, or (ii) creation of content with the VIDEO STANDARDS compliant technologies for distribution to third parties.

    Respect Copyright

    Please respect the rights of artists and creators. Content such as music, photos and video may be protected by copyright. People appearing in content may have a right to control use of their image. You may not share other people's content unless you own the rights or have permission from the owner.


    Customer support is not offered for the service, unless provided otherwise in this contract or the materials we publish in connection with a particular service specify that it includes customer support.

    ,IS_Terms of Use , , eformqaf , qaf
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/*******************************/ /***** SessionId (SID) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function SID () {} SID.resolveGlobalSessionId = function () { if ((_sidQS != null) && (_sidQS != "") && (_tsQS != null) && (_tsQS != "")) { // session id passed in through query string var min = GetCurrentMin(); var diff = min - _tsQS; if ((diff >= 0) && (diff <= _sessionIdTimeoutMin)) { _sid = _sidQS; } // else keep value of _sid var unchanged } // else keep value of _sid var unchanged } /*******************************/ /***** Colmid (CM) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function CM() {} CM.mouseover = function(p_o) { = "#FFFFFF";} CM.mouseout = function(p_o) { = "#FFFFFF";} CM.mousedown = function(p_ev) { p_ev = (p_ev) ? p_ev : event; CM.ismousedown = true; CM.currpos = p_ev.clientX; CM.currLeftW = CM.getCurrLeftW(); = 'e-resize'; return false; } CM.mouseup = function() { CM.ismousedown = false; = 'auto'; CM.currLeftW = parseInt(document.getElementById("colleft").style.width); return false; } CM.mousemove = function(p_ev) { if (CM.ismousedown) { p_ev = (p_ev) ? p_ev : event; var newpos = p_ev.clientX; var pxmoved = parseInt(newpos - CM.currpos); pxmoved = (IsRTL()) ? -pxmoved : pxmoved; var newLeftW = parseInt(CM.currLeftW + pxmoved); var newRightW = GetWinWidth() - newLeftW - CM.rightWAdj; //TL.display('',newRightW)//DEBUG if (newLeftW >= CM.minLeft && newRightW >= CM.minRight) { document.getElementById("colleft").style.width = newLeftW + 'px'; } return false } else return true; } CM.setMinLeft = function() { CM.minLeft = parseInt(document.getElementById("colleft").style.width); } CM.getCurrRightW = function() { return GetWinWidth() - CM.getCurrLeftW() - CM.rightWAdj; } CM.getCurrLeftW = function() { if (CM.currLeftW == 0) CM.currLeftW = parseInt(document.getElementById("colleft").style.width); return CM.currLeftW; } CM.ismousedown; CM.currpos; CM.currLeftW = 0; CM.minLeft; CM.minRight = 300; CM.rightWAdj = 21;//8+8+5 /***** End Colmid (CM) Object *****/ /***********************************/ /***** Community (Comm) Object *****/ /***********************************/ function Comm() {} Comm.exists = function() { return (_forumId != null && _forumId != "") && (_boardId != null && _boardId != ""); } Comm.showNavLink = function(){ if (Comm.exists()) { var o = document.getElementById('gotocomm'); o.href = Comm.getHomeUrl(); = 'inline'; Comm.navLinkHidden = false; } } Comm.hideNavLink = function() { document.getElementById('gotocomm').style.display = 'none'; Comm.navLinkHidden = true; } Comm.goToSite = function(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { var fid = Comm.getForumId(p_fid); MapLog.UserSentToCommunity(p_tid,fid,p_bid);//omniture OpenNewWin(Comm.getUrl(fid,p_bid,p_tid,null),"commwin",""); return false; } Comm.goToSiteUrl = function(p_url,p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { MapLog.UserSentToCommunity(p_tid,p_fid,p_bid);//omniture OpenNewWin(p_url,"commwin",""); return false; } Comm.getUrl = function(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid,p_mid) { var url; if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_fid) || IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_bid)) { url = Comm.getHomeUrl(); } else if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_tid)) { url = Comm.getBoardUrl(p_fid,p_bid); } else if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_mid)) { url = Comm.getThreadUrl(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid); } else { url = Comm.getMessageUrl(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid,p_mid); } url += "?sid=" + Comm.getSidString(); if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_mid)) url += "#msg" + p_mid; return url; } Comm.getHomeUrl = function() { var url = "http://" + _commHost + "/" + _mkt; return url; } Comm.getForumUrl = function(p_fid) { var url = null; if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_fid)) { url = Comm.getHomeUrl(); url += "/" + p_fid; } return url; } Comm.getBoardUrl = function(p_fid,p_bid) { var url = Comm.getForumUrl(p_fid); if (url == null) {} else if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_bid)) { url += "/" + p_bid; } return url; } Comm.getThreadUrl = function(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { var url = Comm.getBoardUrl(p_fid,p_bid); if (url == null) {} else if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_tid)) { url += "/t" + p_tid; } return url; } Comm.getMessageUrl = function(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid,p_mid) { var url = Comm.getThreadUrl(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid); if (url == null) {} else if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_mid)) { url += "/m" + p_mid; } return url; } Comm.getForumId = function(p_fid) { return GetFirstNonBlankString(p_fid,_forumId); } Comm.getSidString = function() { //Append minutes since midnight 1/1/1970 var currMins = GetCurrentMin(); return _sid + "_" + currMins; } Comm.displayHelpCommLink = function() { var el = document.getElementById("hlpcomm"); if (el) { if (Comm.exists()) = 'inline'; else = 'none'; } } Comm.navLinkHidden = true; /***** End Community (Comm) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Decision Tree Object *****/ /*******************************/ DT = function() { this.initialize = function() { m_parentDiv = document.getElementById("topiccontents"); createIframeElement(); }; this.isEnabled = function() { return (_useDt && browserSupportsDt()); }; this.hide = function() { if (this.isEnabled) { try { m_iframeElement = m_parentDiv.removeChild(m_iframeElement); } catch (e){}; } }; = function(bHist,loc) { if (this.isVisible()) { return false; } while (m_parentDiv.hasChildNodes()) { var node = m_parentDiv.removeChild(m_parentDiv.lastChild); } m_parentDiv.appendChild(m_iframeElement); FB.reset(); FB.hideRating(); Print.hide(); if (bHist) TH.addDecisionTree(); MapLog.InstantAnswer(loc);//Omniture SizeContents(); return false; }; this.isVisible = function() { if (this.isEnabled()) { for (var i=0; i{1}

    ", _dtRetHead, _dtRetText); returnLinkElement.appendChild(link); return returnLinkElement; }; function createIframeElement() { var iframeId = "dtIFrame"; var url = encodeURIComponent(location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + _dtMessengerUrl); m_iframeElement = document.createElement("iframe"); m_iframeElement.src = FormatString(_dtUrl, url, Proj.getCurrentProject(), _mkt, _query); = iframeId; m_iframeElement.setAttribute("frameBorder", 0); } function browserSupportsDt() { if (IsIE6Plus() || IsFireFox()) { return true; } return false; } var m_returnLinkEnabled = false; var m_parentDiv = null; var m_iframeElement = null; } var DecisionTree = new DT(); /***** End Decision Tree (DT) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** FAQ Object *****/ /*******************************/ function FAQ() {} FAQ.showFAQ = function() { if (FAQ.cache == null) { FAQ.getFAQ(); } else { FAQ.display(FAQ.cache); } return false; } FAQ.getFAQ = function() { var url = Svc.getHelpUrl("","keyword",_faqKey,v4); Req.makeRequest(url,FAQ.busyReq,"tlhelplinks",FAQ.successCallback,FAQ.errorCallback,""); } FAQ.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var contents = ""; var aFaq = Svc.getResultsArray(p_req.responseText); if (aFaq.length == 1) {//search error; return error text contents = aFaq[0]; } else {//there are FAQ(s) contents += "
      "; for (i = 0; i < aFaq.length; i += 2) { contents += TL.createHelpLink(aFaq[i],aFaq[i+1],"faq"+i); } contents += "
    "; FAQ.cache = contents; if (aFaq.length == 2)[0]);//single FAQ, so display the topic } FAQ.display(contents); } FAQ.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { FAQ.display(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req)); } FAQ.display = function(p_Faq) { MapLog.FaqListPresented();//Omniture CommTL.hide();//hide any community search results TL.display(p_Faq,_tlFaqHead); FAQ.hideNavLink(); TOC.showNavLink(); SizeContents(); } FAQ.hideNavLink = function() { document.getElementById('faqnav').style.display = 'none'; } FAQ.showNavLink = function() { document.getElementById('faqnav').style.display = ''; } FAQ.clearCache = function() { FAQ.cache = null; } FAQ.busyReq = false; FAQ.cache = null; /***** End FAQ Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Feedback (FB) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function FB() {} FB.submitRating = function(r) { FB.currentRating = r; if (TH.isTopic()){ MapLog.RatingsSubmitted(TH.getCurrentTopic(),TH.getCurrentProject(),r,1,"");//omniture } else{ MapLog.RatingsSubmitted(TH.getCurrentThreadId(),TH.getCurrentThreadProject(),r,0,CommTL.clickLocation);//omniture } FB.showVerbatim(); return false; } FB.showRating = function() { if (FB.ratingHidden && FB.thanksHidden && Comm.navLinkHidden) { document.getElementById('topicrating').style.display = 'inline'; FB.setButtonStyle(); FB.ratingHidden = false; } } FB.hideRating = function() { if (!FB.ratingHidden) { document.getElementById('topicrating').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('ratebuttons').style.display = 'none'; FB.ratingHidden = true; } } FB.showThanks = function() { if (FB.thanksHidden && FB.ratingHidden && Comm.navLinkHidden) { document.getElementById('fdbckthanks').style.display = 'inline'; FB.thanksHidden = false; } } FB.hideThanks = function() { if (!FB.thanksHidden) { document.getElementById('fdbckthanks').style.display = 'none'; FB.thanksHidden = true; } } FB.setButtonStyle = function() { // Set visibility of text-style button or smiley-style image. document.getElementById('rateimg').style.display = (_fdbckButtonStyle == "text") ? 'none' : 'inline'; document.getElementById('ratebuttons').style.display = (_fdbckButtonStyle == "text") ? 'inline' : 'none'; // Set visibility of Smiley-style image on the verbatim text input. FB.verbatimImageHidden = (_fdbckButtonStyle == "text"); SizeContents(); } FB.hideVerbatim = function() { document.getElementById('topicfdbck').style.display = 'none'; FB.verbatimHidden = true; FB.clearVerbatim();; FB.hideRating(); FB.showThanks(); SizeContents(); return false; } FB.showVerbatim = function() { TF.hide(); if (FB.verbatimImageHidden) { document.getElementById('fdbckimg').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById('fdbckimg').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('fdbckimg').src = FB.getImg(FB.currentRating,true); } document.getElementById('topicfdbck').style.display = ''; FB.setVerbatimText(); FB.verbatimHidden = false; SizeContents(); document.getElementById('fdbckarea').focus(); } FB.setVerbatimText = function() { document.getElementById('fdbckheadpos').style.display = (FB.currentRating == 2) ? 'inline' : 'none'; document.getElementById('fdbckheadneg').style.display = (FB.currentRating == 2) ? 'none' : 'inline'; } FB.clearVerbatim = function() { document.getElementById('fdbckarea').value = ''; } FB.reset = function() { Comm.hideNavLink(); FB.hideVerbatim(); FB.hideThanks(); FB.showRating(); } FB.submitVerbatim = function() { var feed = NormalizeWhitespace(document.getElementById('fdbckarea').value); if (feed.length > 0){ if (TH.isTopic()){ MapLog.FeedbackSubmitted(TH.getCurrentTopic(),TH.getCurrentProject(),feed,FB.currentRating,1,"");//Omniture } else{ MapLog.FeedbackSubmitted(TH.getCurrentThreadId(),TH.getCurrentThreadProject(),feed,FB.currentRating,0,CommTL.clickLocation);//Omniture } } FB.hideVerbatim(); return false; } FB.getImg = function(p_idx,p_bFocus) { if (p_bFocus) p_idx += 3; return _appPath + _neutralPath + FB.images[p_idx]; } FB.evalKeyUp = function(p_el) { var chars = p_el.value; if (chars.length > 900) p_el.value = chars.substring(0,900); } FB.currentRating; FB.images = new Array('rate0dk.gif','rate1dk.gif','rate2dk.gif','rate0lt.gif','rate1lt.gif','rate2lt.gif'); FB.ratingHidden = false; FB.thanksHidden = false; FB.verbatimHidden = true; FB.verbatimImageHidden = true; FB.colAdjust = 7.6; /***** End Feedback (FB) Object *****/ /***********************************/ /***** UserHistory (UH) Object *****/ /***********************************/ function UH() {} UH.add = function(p_searchType, p_query) { if (p_query != UH.previous) { UH.previous = p_query; UH.aQueries.push(p_searchType + ":" + EncodeQuery(p_query)); } } UH.getSearchList = function(p_count) { var history = ""; for (var i = (UH.aQueries.length - 1); i > (UH.aQueries.length - 1) - p_count; i--) { history += UH.aQueries[i] + ","; if (i == 0) break; } return history; } UH.aQueries = new Array();//search query UH.previous = ""; /***** End SearchQuery (UH) Object *****/ /**************************/ /***** ContactUs ***********/ /**************************/ function ContactUs() {} ContactUs.Utils = { setContactUsCookie:function() { var cookieVal = ""; cookieVal += "searches=" + UH.getSearchList(20); cookieVal += ";project=" + ((Proj.getCurrentProject() != null) ? Proj.getCurrentProject() : ""); cookieVal += ";sessionid=" + ((_sid != null) ? _sid : ""); cookieVal += ";market=" + ((_mkt != null) ? _mkt : ""); // ContextMetadata used for diagnostics. cookieVal += ";featurearea=" + ContactUs.featureArea; cookieVal += ";errorsource=" + ContactUs.errorSource; cookieVal += ";errorid=" + ContactUs.errorId; cookieVal += ";keywords=" + ContactUs.keywords; var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (5*60*1000)); Util.CookieHelper.setCookie("", cookieVal, exp, "/"); }, processKeywords:function() { var errorIdPos = -1; var firstMatch = true; var errorIdPattern = /^0[x|X][0-9a-fA-F]{8}$/; // Example: 0x12345678 var extraSpacesPattern = /\s+/g; var keywordsReversed = ""; // Example keywords: "noitavitca rorretropssap 00884008x0 ignoreme ignoreme" ContactUs.keywords = TrimString(DecodeQuery(ContactUs.keywords).replace(extraSpacesPattern, ' ')); var words = ContactUs.keywords.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { words[i] = ReverseChars(words[i]); keywordsReversed += words[i]; if (i < (words.length - 1)) { keywordsReversed += " "; } var idFound = errorIdPattern.test(words[i]); if (idFound && firstMatch) { errorIdPos = i; ContactUs.errorId = words[i]; firstMatch = false; } } if (words.length >= 1 && errorIdPos != 0) ContactUs.featureArea = words[0]; if (words.length >= 2 && errorIdPos != 1) ContactUs.errorSource = words[1]; ContactUs.keywords = keywordsReversed; } }; ContactUs.featureArea = ""; ContactUs.errorSource = ""; ContactUs.errorId = ""; ContactUs.keywords = ""; /***** End ContactUs *****/ /*********************************/ /***** HelpTopic (HT) Object *****/ /*********************************/ function HT() {} = function(p_topic) { HT.load(p_topic,null,true,true,''); //get the topic content and display it } HT.load = function(p_topic,p_proj,p_bHist,p_bFoot,p_clickLoc) { //p_proj is non-null if called from TopicHistory var proj = (p_proj != null && p_proj != "") ? p_proj : Proj.getCurrentProject(); var url = Svc.getHelpUrl(proj,"topic",p_topic,""); var pass = p_topic + "," + proj + "," + p_bHist + "," + p_bFoot + "," + p_clickLoc; Req.makeRequest(url,HT.busyReq,"topiccontents",HT.successCallback,HT.errorCallback,pass); } HT.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var params = p_pass.split(","); var topic = params[0]; var proj = params[1]; var bHist = (params[2] == "true"); var bFoot = (params[3] == "true"); var clickLoc = params[4]; FB.reset(); if (bFoot) {;} else {TF.hide();} if (bHist) TH.addTopic(topic); HT.display(p_req.responseText,topic,false); if (topic == _moreHelpPage) MapLog.GetMoreHelp(proj);//Omniture else MapLog.SelfCareArticleViewed(topic,proj,clickLoc);//Omniture } HT.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var params = p_pass.split(","); var topic = params[0]; var proj = params[1]; HT.display(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req),topic,true); MapLog.SelfCareArticleError(topic,proj);//Omniture } HT.topicDisplayedOnLoad = function(t) { var proj = null; FB.reset(); if (t.toLowerCase() != _welcomePage) {; TH.addTopic(t); } else { TF.hide(); } topicOnLoad(); HT.setCurrent(t); MapLog.SelfCareArticleViewed(t,proj);//Omniture } HT.display = function(p_html,p_topic,p_error) { if (p_error) { if (p_topic.toLowerCase() != _welcomePage) HT.showWelcome(); else document.getElementById("topiccontents").innerHTML = ""; } else { var tc = document.getElementById("topiccontents"); tc.innerHTML = p_html; if (DecisionTree.isEnabled()) { DecisionTree.hide(); if (DecisionTree.returnLinkIsEnabled()) { tc.appendChild(DecisionTree.getReturnLink()); DecisionTree.disableReturnLink(); } } topicOnLoad(); HT.setCurrent(p_topic); } } HT.showWelcome = function() { HT.load(_welcomePage,null,false,false,''); return false; } HT.showMoreHelp = function() { HT.load(_moreHelpPage,null,true,false,''); return false; } HT.showCommunityPage = function() { HT.load(_helpCommunityPage,null,true,false,''); return false; } HT.getCurrentTopicProject = function() { if (HT.current == _welcomePage) return Proj.getCurrentProject(); else return TH.getCurrentProject(); } HT.setCurrent = function(p_name) { HT.previous = HT.current; HT.current = p_name; } HT.busyReq = false; HT.current = ""; HT.previous = ""; /***** End HelpTopic (HT) Object *****/ /**************************************/ /***** CommunityTopic (CT) Object *****/ /**************************************/ function CT() {} //tid=threadid,fid=forumid,bid=boardid CT.load = function(p_prj,p_tid,p_fid,p_bid,p_bHist,p_loc) { var id = p_bid + ":" + p_tid; var url = Svc.getHelpUrl(p_prj,"cmtythread",id,""); var pass = p_tid + "," + p_fid + "," + p_bid + "," + p_prj + "," + p_bHist + "," + p_loc; Req.makeRequest(url,CT.busyReq,"topiccontents",CT.successCallback,CT.errorCallback,pass); } CT.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var params = p_pass.split(","); var tid = params[0]; var fid = params[1]; var bid = params[2]; var prj = params[3]; var bHist = (params[4] == "true"); var p_loc = params[5]; MapLog.CommunityThreadViewed(tid,fid,bid,p_loc);//Omniture CT.render(p_req.responseText,fid,bid,tid); FB.reset();; if (bHist) TH.addThread(tid,fid,bid,prj);//add thread to history HT.setCurrent(tid); } CT.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { //BUGBUG? Add Omniture logging for community thread view error //var params = p_pass.split(","); //var tid = params[0]; //var fid = params[1]; //var bid = params[2]; //var prj = params[3]; //MapLog.CommunityThreadViewed(tid,fid,bid);//Perhaps indicate "error" in one of the params passed CT.display(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req),"",""); } CT.render = function(p_json,p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { p_json = CT.scrubJson(p_json); var arr = eval(p_json); var html = CT.createTitle(arr[0],p_fid,p_bid,p_tid); for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { html += CT.createMessage(arr[i],p_fid,p_bid,p_tid); if (i < arr.length - 1) html += CT.createRule(); } CT.display(html,p_tid); } CT.scrubJson = function(p_s) { p_s = p_s.replace(/[\r\f\s]/g," ");//carriage return, form feed, white space p_s = p_s.replace(/\n{2,}/g,"

    ");//two or more consecutive newline p_s = p_s.replace(/\n/g,"
    ");//single newline return p_s; } CT.breakLongCharSequences = function(p_s) { var reg = /\S{27}/g;//non-blank chars in long sequence p_s = p_s.replace(reg,"$& ");//insert space after long char sequences return p_s; } CT.createTitle = function(p_t,p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { var ttl = CT.breakLongCharSequences(p_t.ttl); var commurl = Comm.getUrl(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid,null); var html = "

    " + ttl + "

    "; return html; } CT.createRule = function() { return "
    "; } CT.createMessage = function(p_m,p_fid,p_bid,p_tid) { //,p_m.dn,,, var html = ( == "true") ? "
    " : "
    "; //TODO: English strings to be localized var commurl = Comm.getUrl(p_fid,p_bid,p_tid,; html += "
    " + CT.breakLongCharSequences( + "
    "; return html; } CT.display = function(p_html,p_tid) { _threadId = p_tid; document.getElementById("topiccontents").innerHTML = p_html; DecisionTree.hide(); } CT.convertTime = function(p_tc) { //convert UTC to local and change format //assumes input "mo/dy/year hr:mn:sc XM" var aTC = p_tc.split(" "); if (aTC.length != 3) return p_tc + " UTC"; var aDate = aTC[0].split("/"); if (aDate.length != 3) return p_tc + " UTC"; var aTime = aTC[1].split(":"); if (aTime.length < 2) return p_tc + " UTC"; var ampm = aTC[2].toUpperCase(); var year = parseInt(aDate[2]); var month = parseInt(aDate[0]); var day = parseInt(aDate[1]); var hour = parseInt(aTime[0]); if (hour == 12 && ampm == "AM") hour = 0; else if (ampm == "PM" && hour != 12) hour += 12; var minute = parseInt(aTime[1]); var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year,month-1,day,hour,minute)); minute = utcDate.getMinutes() + ""; minute = (minute.length == 1) ? "0" + minute : minute; p_tc = (utcDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + utcDate.getDate() + "-" + utcDate.getFullYear() + " " + utcDate.getHours() + ":" + minute; return p_tc; } CT.busyReq = false; /***** End CommunityTopic (CT) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Print Object *****/ /*******************************/ function Print() {} = function() { if (Print.hidden) { document.getElementById("print").style.display = ""; Print.hidden = false; } } Print.hide = function() { if (!Print.hidden) { document.getElementById("print").style.display = "none"; Print.hidden = true; } } Print.print = function() { if (document.images){//disable omniture log image var imgs = document.images; if (typeof(imgs) == "object" && imgs != null){ for (var i = imgs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if (imgs[i].src.indexOf(_omniImgKey) != -1){ imgs[i].src = _appPath+_cgifUrlPath; break; } } } } var wlicon = document.getElementById("wlicon"); if (wlicon != null) wlicon.src = _appPath+_printHeadImg;//replace temp header img with correct img var idssimg = document.getElementById("idss"); if (idssimg != null) idssimg.src = _appPath+_cgifUrlPath;//disable idss c.gif if(IsFireFox()) //Adjust height for FireFox to print all the pages { window.document.getElementById("topiccontents").style.height = 'auto'; } window.print();//Print topic currently displayed //Omniture if (HT.current.toLowerCase() == _welcomePage)//welcome page not in history, so handle separately MapLog.SelfCareArticlePrinted(_welcomePage,Proj.getCurrentProject()); else if (TH.isTopic()) MapLog.SelfCareArticlePrinted(TH.getCurrentTopic(),TH.getCurrentProject(),""); else MapLog.CommunityThreadPrinted(TH.getCurrentThreadId(),TH.getCurrentThreadForum(),TH.getCurrentThreadBoard(),CommTL.clickLocation); return false; } Print.hidden = false; /***** End Print Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Project (Proj) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function Proj() {} Proj.getCurrentProject = function() { if (Proj.currentProject == null) { Proj.currentProject = Proj.getSelectedProject(); } return Proj.currentProject; } Proj.getSelectedProject = function() { var prods = document.getElementById('projsel'); return prods.options[prods.selectedIndex].value; } Proj.onChange = function() { Search.showDefaultText(); Proj.currentProject = Proj.getSelectedProject(); FAQ.clearCache(); TOC.clearCache(); Proj.getNewSettings(); } Proj.respondToNewSettings = function() { Comm.displayHelpCommLink(); DecisionTree.showLink(); TH.initialize();; //overwritten if only one FAQ if (DecisionTree.isEnabled()) { DecisionTree.initialize();,null); } else { HT.showWelcome(); } FAQ.getFAQ(); } Proj.getNewSettings = function() { //use thinservice.aspx?market=&project= to get project settings var url = Svc.getHelpUrl("","","",""); Req.makeRequest(url,Proj.busyReq,"",Proj.successCallback,Proj.errorCallback,""); } Proj.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var params = p_req.responseText.split(","); _forumId = params[0]; _boardId = params[1]; _cuWinMode = params[2]; _cuWriteCookie = params[3]; _fdbckButtonStyle = params[4]; _useDt = (params[5].toLowerCase() == "true"); Proj.respondToNewSettings(); } Proj.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { _forumId = ""; _boardId = ""; _cuWinMode = ""; _cuWriteCookie = ""; _useDt = false; Proj.respondToNewSettings(); } Proj.currentProject = null; Proj.busyReq = false; /***** End Project (Proj) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Request (Req) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function Req() {} Req.makeRequest = function(p_url,p_busyReq,p_progId,p_successCallBack,p_errorCallBack,p_pass) { //p_url: the web service url //p_busyReq: is a request for this object currently in progress? //p_progId: element id where progress HTML should be shown //p_successCallBack: callback function for successful response //p_errorCallBack: callback function for erroneous response //p_pass: string of params to pass to callback functions if (p_busyReq) return; var req = Req.getRequest(); if (req != null) { p_busyReq = true; Req.showProgress(p_progId); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { p_busyReq = false; window.clearTimeout(toId); if (req.status == 200) { p_successCallBack(req,p_pass); } else { p_errorCallBack(req,p_pass); } } }"GET", p_url, true); req.send(null); var toId = window.setTimeout( function() {if (p_busyReq) req.abort();}, Req.timeout ); } } Req.getRequest = function() { var xmlHttp; try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); return xmlHttp; } catch (e) {} try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); return xmlHttp; } catch (e) {} try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); return xmlHttp; } catch(e) {} return null; } Req.showProgress = function(p_id) { if (p_id != "") document.getElementById(p_id).innerHTML = Req.getProgressHtml(); } Req.getProgressHtml = function() { return "

    " + _progressText + " " + _progressText + "

    "; } Req.getErrorHtml = function(p_req) { //TODO: implement accepted way to handle request error return "

    " + "(" + p_req.status + ") " + p_req.statusText + "

    " } Req.timeout = 20000; /***** End Request (Req) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Search Object *****/ /*******************************/ function Search() {} Search.doSearch = function() { //Submit request for MAP help search with user-supplied query terms. var oInput = document.getElementById('helpquery'); if ( oInput ) { var q = oInput.value; if (q != _queryDefault) { //ensure no search for default text if ( q.length > 0 ) { UH.add("search", q); //add to search history } q = ScrubQuery(q); if ( q.length > 0 ) {//the query is not empty, so get the results _query = q;//cache the encoded version of the query Search.getResults('search',q); if (Comm.exists()) CommSearch.getResults(q); } else {// the query is empty; return focus to the input box oInput.focus(); } } } return false; } Search.doSearchViaEnter = function(p_ev) { // Submit the Help Search when the user presses the Enter key // while focus is in the Help Search input box. p_ev = (p_ev) ? p_ev : event; var target = ( ? : p_ev.srcElement; var charCode = (p_ev.charCode) ? p_ev.charCode : ((p_ev.which) ? p_ev.which : p_ev.keyCode); if ((charCode == 13 || charCode == 3) && =='helpquery'){Search.doSearch();} return false; } Search.getResults = function(p_qt,p_q) { Search.clearCache(); var url = Svc.getHelpUrl("",p_qt,p_q,v4); var pass = p_qt + "," + p_q; ++Search.activeSearches; Req.makeRequest(url,Search.busyReq,"tlhelplinks",Search.successCallback,Search.errorCallback,pass); } Search.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { --Search.activeSearches; var params = p_pass.split(","); var qt = params[0]; var q = params[1]; var aResults = Svc.getResultsArray(p_req.responseText); var len = aResults.length; if (len == 1) { // = error with search if (qt == "keyword") { //Show FAQ instead FAQ.showFAQ(); if (DecisionTree.isEnabled()){,null); } else { HT.showWelcome(); } } else { //there was a search error; return the error text MapLog.SearchExecuted(qt,q,"",MapLog.mapSearch);//Omniture Search.displayResults("

    " + aResults[0] + "

    ",qt); } } else { //there are search results var count = len/2; Search.aNames = new Array(count); Search.aTitles = new Array(count); var idx = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { Search.aNames[idx] = aResults[i]; Search.aTitles[idx] = aResults[i+1]; idx++; } MapLog.SearchExecuted(qt,q,count,MapLog.mapSearch);//Omniture Search.renderResults(qt); } } Search.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { --Search.activeSearches; var params = p_pass.split(","); var qt = params[0]; var q = params[1]; MapLog.SearchExecuted(qt,q,"",MapLog.mapSearch);//Omniture Search.displayResults(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req),qt); } Search.renderResults = function(p_qt) { //TODO: Create function Search.isError() to make this clearer if (Search.isError()) { if (p_qt == "keyword") { //zero hits for keyword search FAQ.showFAQ(); } else { //there was a search error or zero hits for user search //so display the error text that is in the title element Search.displayResults(Search.aTitles[0],p_qt); } } else { //there are search results Search.displayResults(Search.createLinks(0,p_qt),p_qt); if (p_qt != "keyword") Search.handlePossibleSingleResult(); } } Search.isError = function() { return (Search.getResultsCount() == 1 && Search.aNames[0] == ''); } Search.handlePossibleSingleResult = function() { //Only called if query type is search if (Search.activeSearches == 0) { //all search have finished so we can see if any have single results var helpResultsCount = Search.getResultsCount(); var commResultsCount = CommSearch.getResultsCount(); if (helpResultsCount == 1 && commResultsCount == 0) { //single help result and zero community results so show the help topic[0]); } else if (helpResultsCount == 0 && commResultsCount == 1) { //single community result and zero help results so show the community thread CT.load(Proj.getCurrentProject(),CommSearch.aThreadIds[0],_forumId,CommSearch.aBoardIds[0],true,CommTL.clickLocation); } } } Search.createLinks = function(p_start,p_qt) { var html = "
      "; var max; var resultsCount = Search.getResultsCount(); if (!Comm.exists()) { max = resultsCount; } else { max = (p_start == 0) ? _srchDispInc : resultsCount; max = (max > resultsCount) ? resultsCount : max; } for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { html += TL.createHelpLink(Search.aNames[i],Search.aTitles[i],"sr"+i); } html += "
    "; Search.helpLinks = html;//cache the topic links if (resultsCount > max) html += Search.createMoreLink(max,p_qt);//user can chose to view more return html; } Search.createMoreLink = function(p_start,p_qt) { return ""; } Search.displayResults = function(p_html,p_qt) { var num = Search.getResultsCount(); var head = _tlHelpHead + " (" + num + ")"; if (p_qt == "keyword") { if (num == 1) {[0]); FAQ.showFAQ(); } else { // Relavent Community Search within MAP // targeted keyword search can contain nonsense keywords to load specific articles // after MAP search results have been returned, get the title of the first MAP article // and use it for community search. qTitle=Search.aTitles[0]; if (Comm.exists()) CommSearch.getResults(qTitle, p_qt); if (num == 0 && DecisionTree.isEnabled()) { //Show the DT when no results are found & qt == keyword,null); } else { HT.showWelcome(); } TL.display(p_html,head); FAQ.showNavLink(); } } else { //Type = "search" TL.display(p_html,head); FAQ.showNavLink(); if (TH.count()==0) { //Show the welcome page only if this is the first call to help HT.showWelcome(); } } TOC.showNavLink() SizeContents(); } Search.viewMore = function(p_start,p_qt) { Search.displayResults(Search.createLinks(p_start,p_qt),p_qt); } Search.focus = function(oInput) { var val = oInput.value; if (val == _queryDefault) oInput.value = '';//remove the default text if it is present; } Search.blur = function(oInput) { var val = oInput.value; if (val == null || val.length == 0) oInput.value = _queryDefault; } Search.showDefaultText = function() { document.getElementById('helpquery').value = _queryDefault; } Search.clearCache = function() { Search.aNames = null; Search.aTitles = null; Search.helpLinks = ""; } Search.getResultsCount = function() { return (Search.aNames != null) ? Search.aNames.length : 0; } Search.busyReq = false; Search.aNames = null; Search.aTitles = null; Search.helpLinks = ""; Search.activeSearches = 0; /***** End Search Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Community Search Object *****/ /*******************************/ function CommSearch() {} CommSearch.getResults = function(p_q, p_qt) { CommSearch.clearCache(); var url = Svc.getHelpUrl("","cmtysearch",p_q,""); var pass = p_q + ',' + p_qt; ++Search.activeSearches; Req.makeRequest(url,CommSearch.busyReq,"tlcommlinks",CommSearch.successCallback,CommSearch.errorCallback,pass); } CommSearch.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { --Search.activeSearches; var params = p_pass.split(","); var q = params[0]; var qt = params[1];; var aResults = Svc.getResultsArray(p_req.responseText); var len = aResults.length; CommSearch.count = 0; if (len == 1) { //there was a search error; return the error text CommSearch.displayResults("

    " + aResults[0] + "

    ",qt); } else { //TODO verify len >=3 and mod(len,3) == 0 //there are search results //"tid","ttl","tid","ttl",... //"bid,"tid","ttl","bid,"tid","ttl",... var count = len/3; CommSearch.count = count; CommSearch.aBoardIds = new Array(count); CommSearch.aThreadIds = new Array(count); CommSearch.aTitles = new Array(count); var idx = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { CommSearch.aBoardIds[idx] = aResults[i]; CommSearch.aThreadIds[idx] = aResults[i+1]; CommSearch.aTitles[idx] = aResults[i+2]; idx++; } CommSearch.displayResults(CommSearch.createLinks(0,qt),qt); } //TODO: else to handle error // log all community searches CommSearch.qt = qt; CommSearch.q = q; window.setTimeout("MapLog.SearchExecuted(CommSearch.qt,CommSearch.q,CommSearch.count,MapLog.commSearch)",CommSearch.CommSearchLogTimeout);//Omniture } CommSearch.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { --Search.activeSearches; var params = p_pass.split(","); var q = params[0]; var qt = params[1]; MapLog.SearchExecuted(qt,q,"",MapLog.commSearch);//Omniture CommSearch.displayResults(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req),qt); } CommSearch.createLinks = function(p_start,p_qt) { var html = "
      "; var max; var resultsCount = CommSearch.getResultsCount() max = (p_start == 0) ? _srchDispInc : resultsCount; max = (max > resultsCount) ? resultsCount : max; for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { html += CommTL.createThreadLink(CommSearch.aBoardIds[i],CommSearch.aThreadIds[i],CommSearch.aTitles[i]); } html += "
    "; CommSearch.Links = html;//cache the topic links if (resultsCount > max) html += CommSearch.createMoreLink(max,p_qt);//user can chose to view more return html; } CommSearch.createMoreLink = function(p_start,p_qt) { return "
    " + _viewMoreText + "
    "; } CommSearch.displayResults = function(p_html, p_qt) { var num = CommSearch.getResultsCount(); var head = _tlCommHead + " (" + num + ")"; CommTL.clickLocation = '0'; // ominture set the click location set initial value if (p_qt == 'keyword') { // dont display zero results when its a targeted keyword search if (num > 0) { CommTL.clickLocation = MapLog.clickLocCommunityKeyword; // ominture set the click location CommTL.display(p_html,head); } } else { // display the community results for user initiated searches CommTL.display(p_html,head); } if (p_qt != 'dtree') { //Don't overwrite the DT Search.handlePossibleSingleResult(); } else { TL.hideDiv(); FAQ.showNavLink(); TOC.showNavLink(); } } CommSearch.viewMore = function(p_start,p_qt) { CommSearch.displayResults(CommSearch.createLinks(p_start,p_qt),p_qt); } CommSearch.clearCache = function() { CommSearch.aBoardIds = null; CommSearch.aThreadIds = null; CommSearch.aTitles = null; CommSearch.Links = ""; } CommSearch.getResultsCount = function() { return (CommSearch.aThreadIds != null) ? CommSearch.aThreadIds.length : 0; } CommSearch.CommSearchLogTimeout=5000; CommSearch.qt = ""; CommSearch.q = ""; CommSearch.count = ""; CommSearch.busyReq = false; CommSearch.aBoardIds = null; CommSearch.aThreadIds = null; CommSearch.aTitles = null; CommSearch.Links = ""; /***** End Community Search Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** Service (Svc) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function Svc() {} Svc.getHelpUrl = function(p_prj,p_qt,p_q,p_f) { var prj = (p_prj.length > 0) ? p_prj : Proj.getCurrentProject(); var url = _appPath + "/" + _thinSvc + "?project=" + prj + "&mkt=" + _mkt; if (p_qt.length > 0 && p_q.length > 0) { url += "&querytype=" + p_qt + "&query=" + p_q; if (p_f.length > 0) url += "&filter=" + p_f; } return url; } Svc.getResultsArray = function(p_str) { //parse search results (comma-delimited, double-quoted strings) var str = p_str.substring(1,p_str.length-1); return str.split('","'); } /***** End Service (Svc) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** TOC Object *****/ /*******************************/ function TOC() {} TOC.showTOC = function() { if (TOC.cache == null) { TOC.getTOC(); } else { MapLog.TocListPresented(TOC.fileName,Proj.getCurrentProject(),"");//Omniture TOC.display(TOC.cache); } return false; } TOC.getTOC = function() { var url = Svc.getHelpUrl("","topic","toc.htm",""); Req.makeRequest(url,TOC.busyReq,"tlhelplinks",TOC.successCallback,TOC.errorCallback,""); } TOC.successCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { var contents = p_req.responseText; var idx = contents.indexOf("]"); TOC.fileName = contents.substring(1,idx);//cache TOC file name contents = contents.substring(idx+1,contents.length); MapLog.TocListPresented(TOC.fileName,Proj.getCurrentProject(),"");//Omniture TOC.cache = contents;//cache TOC TOC.display(contents); } TOC.errorCallback = function(p_req,p_pass) { TOC.display(Req.getErrorHtml(p_req)); MapLog.TocListPresented("",Proj.getCurrentProject(),"errorPage");//Omniture } TOC.display = function(p_toc) { CommTL.hide();//hide any community search results TL.display(p_toc,_tlTocHead); TOC.reopenBooks(); TOC.hideNavLink(); FAQ.showNavLink(); SizeContents(); } TOC.hideNavLink = function() { document.getElementById('tocnav').style.display = 'none'; } TOC.showNavLink = function() { document.getElementById('tocnav').style.display = ''; } TOC.reopenBooks = function() { if (TOC.openBooks != "") { var str = TOC.openBooks.substring(1,TOC.openBooks.length); var arr = str.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { TOC.toggleBook(arr[i]); } } } TOC.toggleBook = function(p_bkid) { toggleElementDisplay(p_bkid,'block');//in wltopic.js TOC.toggleImg('I'+p_bkid,'c'); } TOC.bookClick = function(p_bkid) { TOC.toggleBook(p_bkid); if (TOC.openBooks.indexOf(p_bkid) == -1) {//add book to cache TOC.openBooks += "," + p_bkid; } else {//remove book from cache var bkstr = "," + p_bkid; var idx = TOC.openBooks.indexOf(bkstr); var str1 = TOC.openBooks.substring(0,idx); var str2 = TOC.openBooks.substring(idx+bkstr.length,TOC.openBooks.length); TOC.openBooks = str1 + str2; } } TOC.toggleImg = function(p_id,p_ev) { var elem = document.getElementById(p_id); if (elem != null) { var src = elem.src; var srcRoot = ""; var imgName = src; var imgNewName; var idx = src.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { srcRoot = src.substring(0,idx+1); imgName = src.substring(idx+1,src.length); } imgName = imgName.substring(0,imgName.length - 4); switch (imgName) { case "glyph_expand_rest": if (p_ev == 'r') imgNewName = 'glyph_expand_hover'; else if (p_ev == 't') imgNewName = 'glyph_expand_rest'; else imgNewName = 'glyph_collapse_rest'; break; case "glyph_expand_hover": if (p_ev == 't') imgNewName = 'glyph_expand_rest'; else imgNewName = 'glyph_collapse_rest'; break; case "glyph_collapse_rest": if (p_ev == 'r') imgNewName = 'glyph_collapse_hover'; else if (p_ev == 't') imgNewName = 'glyph_collapse_rest'; else imgNewName = 'glyph_expand_rest'; break; case "glyph_collapse_hover": if (p_ev == 't') imgNewName = 'glyph_collapse_rest'; else imgNewName = 'glyph_expand_rest'; break; } elem.src = srcRoot + imgNewName + '.gif'; } } TOC.clearCache = function() { TOC.fileName = ""; TOC.cache = null; TOC.openBooks = ""; } TOC.fileName = ""; TOC.busyReq = false; TOC.cache = null; TOC.openBooks = ""; /***** End TOC Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** TopicFooter (TF) Object *****/ /*******************************/ function TF() {} = function() { FB.setButtonStyle(); document.getElementById('topicfooter').style.display = ''; } TF.hide = function() { document.getElementById('topicfooter').style.display = 'none'; } /***** End TopicFooter (TF) Object *****/ /*******************************/ /***** TopicHistory (TH) Object *****/ /*******************************/ //TODO: refactor to make differentiation of topic and thread clearer function TH() {} = function() { //Increment the TopicHistory array index by 1 //and return the topic at the new array index var newIdx = (HT.current != _welcomePage) ? TH.idx + 1 : TH.idx; if (newIdx < TH.count()) { TH.idx = newIdx; TH.showControl(1); //show "previous" control } if (newIdx >= TH.count() - 1) { TH.hideControl(0); //hide "next" control } TH.showItem(1); return false; } TH.previous = function() { //Decrement the TopicHistory array index by 1 //and display the topic at the new array index var newIdx = (HT.current != _welcomePage) ? TH.idx - 1 : TH.idx; if (newIdx >= 0) { TH.idx = newIdx; TH.showControl(0); //show "next" control } if (newIdx <= 0) { TH.hideControl(1); //hide "previous" control } TH.showItem(0); return false; } TH.showItem = function(p_link) { if (TH.isTopic()) { var topic = TH.getCurrentTopic(); var project = TH.getCurrentProject(); var bShowFoot = (topic.toLowerCase() == _welcomePage) ? false : true; HT.load(topic,project,false,bShowFoot,''); } else if (TH.isThread()){ CT.load(TH.getCurrentThreadProject(),TH.getCurrentThreadId(),TH.getCurrentThreadForum(),TH.getCurrentThreadBoard(),false,CommTL.clickLocation); } else if (TH.isDT()) {,(p_link) ? MapLog.clickLocForward : MapLog.clickLocBack); } //no else case } TH.showControl = function(prev) { if (prev) { //show "previous" control document.getElementById('histprev').style.visibility = 'visible'; } else { //show "next" control document.getElementById('histnext').style.visibility = 'visible'; } } TH.hideControl = function(prev) { if (prev) { //hide "previous" control document.getElementById('histprev').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { //hide "next" control document.getElementById('histnext').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } TH.addTopic = function(p_topic) { TH.add(1,p_topic,Proj.getCurrentProject()); UH.add("topic", p_topic); } TH.addThread = function(p_tid,p_fid,p_bid,p_prj) { //TH.add(0,p_tid,p_fid + ":" + p_bid + ":" + p_prj); TH.add(0,p_tid,new TH.ThreadInfo(p_fid,p_bid,p_prj)); UH.add("thread", p_tid); } TH.addDecisionTree = function() { TH.add(2,"dt",Proj.getCurrentProject()); UH.add("dt", ""); } TH.add = function(p_type,p_name,p_other) { p_name = p_name.toLowerCase(); //If this topic is already in the history, then remove it so that it can be re-added at current index position. TH.removeDup(p_name); //Add the current topic info to the history arrays and point the index at this entry. if (TH.idx == TH.count() - 1) {//idx at end of array, so add to end TH.aType = TH.aType.concat(p_type); TH.aNames = TH.aNames.concat(p_name); TH.aOther = TH.aOther.concat(p_other); TH.idx = TH.count() - 1;//point idx at new entry } else {//idx in interior of array; remove items after idx //must create new, shorter arrays first with length idx + 1 TH.idx = TH.idx + 1; TH.aType = TH.aType.slice(0,TH.idx); TH.aNames = TH.aNames.slice(0,TH.idx); TH.aOther = TH.aOther.slice(0,TH.idx); //add the new values to the last array idx TH.aType[TH.idx] = p_type; TH.aNames[TH.idx] = p_name; TH.aOther[TH.idx] = p_other; } if (TH.idx > 0) TH.showControl(1); //show "previous" control TH.hideControl(0);//hide "next" control } TH.removeDup = function(p_name) { var end = TH.aNames.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i <= end; i++) { if (TH.aNames[i] == p_name) {//dup found for (var j = i; j <= end; j++) { if (j < end) {//move all entries back one index TH.aNames[j] = TH.aNames[j+1]; TH.aType[j] = TH.aType[j+1]; TH.aOther[j] = TH.aOther[j+1]; } else {//remove array entry at last index TH.aNames = TH.aNames.slice(0,j); TH.aType = TH.aType.slice(0,j); TH.aOther = TH.aOther.slice(0,j); TH.idx = j - 1; } } break; } } } TH.count = function() { return TH.aNames.length; } TH.getCurrentTopic = function() { return (TH.idx >= 0) ? TH.aNames[TH.idx] : ""; //the current topic name } TH.getCurrentProject = function() { return (TH.idx >= 0) ? TH.aOther[TH.idx] : ""; //the current project name } TH.getCurrentThreadId = function() { return (TH.idx >= 0) ? TH.aNames[TH.idx] : ""; //the current thread id } TH.getCurrentThreadProject = function() { if (TH.idx >= 0) { //get project from ThreadInfo object var ti = TH.aOther[TH.idx]; return ti.prj; } else return ""; } TH.getCurrentThreadForum = function() { if (TH.idx >= 0) { //get forumid from ThreadInfo object var ti = TH.aOther[TH.idx]; return ti.fid; } else return ""; } TH.getCurrentThreadBoard = function() { if (TH.idx >= 0) { //get boardid from ThreadInfo object var ti = TH.aOther[TH.idx]; return; } else return ""; } TH.initialize = function() { TH.aType = new Array();//1=topic; 0=community thread TH.aNames = new Array();//topic name or thread id TH.aOther = new Array();//topic project or ThreadInfo TH.idx = -1; TH.hideControl(0); TH.hideControl(1); } TH.isThread = function() {return (TH.idx >= 0 && TH.aType[TH.idx] == 0);} TH.isTopic = function() {return (TH.idx >= 0 && TH.aType[TH.idx] == 1);} TH.isDT = function() {return (TH.idx >= 0 && TH.aType[TH.idx] == 2);} TH.aType;//1=topic; 0=community thread TH.aNames;//topic name or thread id TH.aOther;//topic project or ThreadInfo TH.idx; TH.ThreadInfo = function(p_fid,p_bid,p_prj) { this.fid = p_fid; = p_bid; this.prj = p_prj; } /***** End TopicHistory (TH) Object *****/ /**************************************/ /***** Help TopicList (TL) Object *****/ /**************************************/ function TL() {} TL.display = function(p_html,p_head) { TL.showDiv(); document.getElementById('tlhelphead').innerHTML = p_head; document.getElementById('tlhelplinks').innerHTML = p_html; } TL.createHelpLink = function(p_topic,p_title,p_href) { return "
  • ' + p_title + "
  • "; } TL.clickLink = function(p_topic) {; //get the topic content and display it return false; } TL.hideDiv = function() { document.getElementById('tlhelp').style.display = 'none'; } TL.showDiv = function() { document.getElementById('tlhelp').style.display = ''; } /***** End Help TopicList (TL) Object *****/ /*******************************************/ /***** Community TopicList (TL) Object *****/ /*******************************************/ function CommTL() {} CommTL.display = function(p_html,p_head) { document.getElementById('tlcomm').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('tlcommhead').innerHTML = p_head; document.getElementById('tlcommlinks').innerHTML = p_html; } CommTL.createThreadLink = function(p_boardId,p_threadId,p_name) { return "
  • ' + CommTL.scrubTitle(p_name) + "
  • "; } CommTL.scrubTitle = function(p_s) { var reg = /\S{15}/g;//non-blank chars in long sequence p_s = p_s.replace(reg,"$& ");//insert space after long char sequences return p_s; } CommTL.clickLink = function(p_boardId,p_threadId) { CT.load(Proj.getCurrentProject(),p_threadId,_forumId,p_boardId,true,CommTL.clickLocation);//show the thread return false; } CommTL.hide = function() { document.getElementById('tlcomm').style.display = "none"; } CommTL.clickLocation='0'; // omniture logging /***** End TopicList (TL) Object *****/ //*********************************************************************************************** // CLASS: Util.CookieHelper // Stolen from LiveControls and rebranded into our namespace to avoid collisions. //*********************************************************************************************** function Util() {} Util.CookieHelper = { getCookie:function(name) { function valueAt(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) { endstr = document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) { return valueAt(j); } i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) { break; } } return null; }, setCookie:function(name, value) { var expDays = 30; var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (expDays*24*60*60*1000)); var argv = Util.CookieHelper.setCookie.arguments; var argc = Util.CookieHelper.setCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : exp; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); }, deleteCookie:function(name) { var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - (30*24*60*60*1000)); Util.CookieHelper.setCookie(name,"",exp); } }; /*******************************/ /***** Utility *****/ /*******************************/ function EncodeQuery(p_q) { try {p_q = encodeURIComponent(p_q);} catch(ex) {p_q = escape(p_q);} return p_q; } function DecodeQuery(p_q) { try {p_q = decodeURIComponent(p_q);} catch(ex) {p_q = unescape(p_q);} return p_q; } function GetFirstNonBlankString() { // Iterate through the variable arguments list to find the first non-null, non-empty string value for (var i = 0; i != arguments.length; ++i) { var x = arguments[i]; if (!IsStringNullOrEmpty(x)) return x; } return null; } function IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_s) { //undefined, null, or empty return (!p_s || p_s.length == 0); } function ScrubInput(p_s) { //tab return newline ? ( ) < > ' " & # return p_s.replace(/[ \t\r\n?()<>'"&#]+/g, ' '); } function NormalizeWhitespace(p_s) { // Process the input string an convert any whitespace sequences into single spaces return p_s.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); } function ScrubQuery(p_q) { p_q = ScrubInput(p_q); var tmp = p_q.replace( / /g, "" ); // remove spaces to check query length if ( tmp.length > 0 ) {//the query is not empty, so return it p_q = EncodeQuery(p_q); return p_q; } else { return ""; } } function SizeContents() { //size the topiclist and topiccontents divs to enable correct vertical scrolling var leftColIds = ['projects','search','faqnav','tocnav','dtnavlink','dtnavsubtext']; var oTList = document.getElementById("topiclist"); var rightColIds = ['topicheader','topicfooter','topicfdbck']; var oTopic = document.getElementById("topiccontents"); var availHeight; var usedHeight = 0; var hFactor = 62; //get the height of the area that contains the document var currWinHeight; if (window.innerHeight) {//FireFox with correction for status bar at bottom of window currWinHeight = (!IsHC()) ? window.innerHeight - 22 : window.innerHeight - 10; } else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) {//IE 7 with correction for address bar currWinHeight = (!IsHC()) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight - 24 : document.documentElement.clientHeight - 10; } else if (document.body.offsetHeight) {//IE 4+ currWinHeight = (!IsHC()) ? document.body.offsetHeight - 5 : document.body.offsetHeight + 10; } // Size the topiclist div in the left column // 1st calculate the used height of the objects whose height does not change for (var i = 0; i < leftColIds.length; i++) { var oElem = document.getElementById(leftColIds[i]); if (oElem != null && typeof oElem == "object") { usedHeight += oElem.offsetHeight; } //alert("id:" + leftColIds[i] + "\n" + "elemHeight:" + oElem.offsetHeight);//DEBUG } // 2nd set the height of the topiclist div to the available height availHeight = currWinHeight - usedHeight - hFactor; if (availHeight >= 0) = availHeight + "px"; //alert("currWinHeight:" + currWinHeight + "\n" + "usedHeight:" + usedHeight + "\n" + "height:" + (currWinHeight - usedHeight - hFactor));//DEBUG // Size the topic div in the right column // 1st calculate the used height of the objects whose height does not change usedHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rightColIds.length; i++) { var oElem = document.getElementById(rightColIds[i]); if (oElem != null && typeof oElem == "object") { usedHeight += oElem.offsetHeight; } //alert("id:" + rightColIds[i] + "\n" + "elemHeight:" + oElem.offsetHeight);//DEBUG } // 2nd set the height of the topic div to the available height availHeight = currWinHeight - usedHeight - hFactor + 22; if (IsIE7()) availHeight += 14; else if (IsFireFox()) availHeight += 17; if (availHeight >= 0) try{ = availHeight + "px";} catch(e){} //alert("currWinHeight:" + currWinHeight + "\n" + "usedHeight:" + usedHeight + "\n" + "height:" + (currWinHeight - usedHeight));//DEBUG } var _agent = navigator.userAgent; function IsIE() { return (_agent.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1); } function IEVersion() { var idx = _agent.indexOf("MSIE "); return parseFloat(_agent.substring(idx + 5,_agent.indexOf(";",idx))) } function IsIE6Plus() { return (IsIE() && IEVersion() >= 6.0); } function IsIE7() { return (IsIE() && IEVersion() >= 7.0); } function IsFireFox() { return (_agent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1); } function GetElemHeight(p_el) { if (p_el.innerHeight) return p_el.innerHeight; else if (p_el.clientHeight) return p_el.clientHeight; else return p_el.offsetHeight; } function GetWinHeight() { if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight; else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) return document.documentElement.clientHeight; else if (document.body.offsetHeight) return document.body.offsetHeight; else return _winHeight; } function GetWinWidth() { if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth; else if (document.documentElement.clientWidth) return document.documentElement.clientWidth; else if (document.body.offsetWidth) return document.body.offsetWidth; else return _winWidth; } function rt(p_name) {//related topic link click MapLog.RelatedLinkClick(p_name);//Omniture; return false; } function st(p_name) {//TOC link click return TL.clickLink(p_name) } function ttb(p_bkid) {//TOC book click TOC.bookClick(p_bkid); return false; } function tti(p_id,p_ev) {//TOC image event TOC.toggleImg(p_id,p_ev) } function ShowMovie(p_file,p_features){ if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_features)) p_features = "width=640,height=480"; OpenNewWin(GetContentUrlPath(p_file)+".htm","moviewin",p_features); MapLog.VideoLinkClick(p_file);//Omniture } function GetContentUrlPath(p_file) { return _targetedPath + _mkt + "/" + HT.getCurrentTopicProject() + "/content/" + p_file; } function GoToSupport(p_url) { if (p_url.indexOf("") > -1 || p_url.indexOf("support.msn") > -1) { p_url += (p_url.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&"; p_url += "sid=" + _sid; // pass the query type along to support p_url += "&mapquerytype=" + _querytype; // pass the query along to support p_url += "&mapquery=" + _queryOriginal;; } MapLog.UserSentToSupport();//omniture if (IsHC()) { try {top.location.href = p_url;}//open within the Tango frame catch(e){OpenNewWin(p_url,"supwin","");}//error so open in new window } else { p_url += (p_url.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&"; p_url += "sid=" + _sid + "&project=" + Proj.getCurrentProject() + "&market=" + _mkt; if (_cuWriteCookie == "true") { ContactUs.Utils.processKeywords(); ContactUs.Utils.setContactUsCookie(); } if (_cuWinMode == "SameWindow") { OpenThisWin(p_url); // open in MAP window } else { OpenNewWin(p_url,"supwin","");//open in new window } } return false; } function OpenNewWin(p_url,p_name,p_features) { //if no other instructions then assure new window is full featured if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(p_features)) p_features = "resizable=yes,location=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,titlebar=yes,toolbar=yes"; var win = null; try{win =,p_name,p_features);} catch(e){win =,"_blank",p_features);}//handles ie6 bug if (win != null && typeof win == 'object') win.focus(); } function OpenThisWin(p_url) { document.location.href = p_url; } function IsHC() {//Help Central? return (_fmt == 'b2'); } function IsRTL() {//RTL language? return (document.body.dir == 'rtl'); } function HandleOnLoad() { // resolve _sid variable SID.resolveGlobalSessionId(); // set session guid on interactionobject MapLog.SetSessionId(_sid); InitIframeFunctionality(); TH.initialize(); var qt = _querytype.toLowerCase(); var q = DecodeQuery(_query); if (qt == 'topic') { document.title = _appTitle; // change the title back to the approved string HT.topicDisplayedOnLoad(q); FAQ.getFAQ(); } else if (qt == 'keyword' || qt == 'search') { if (q.toLowerCase() == _faqKey){ FAQ.showFAQ(); if (DecisionTree.isEnabled()){,null); } else { HT.showWelcome(); } } else { q = ScrubQuery(q); if (q.length > 0) { Search.getResults(qt,q); if (qt == 'search'){ if (Comm.exists()) CommSearch.getResults(q); } } } } CM.setMinLeft(); Comm.displayHelpCommLink(); Survey.InitSurvey(); if (qt == 'keyword') { ContactUs.keywords = _queryOriginal.substring(0,255); } } function InitIframeFunctionality() { if (DecisionTree.isEnabled()) { DecisionTree.initialize(); } DecisionTree.showLink(); } function HandleWinResize() { SizeContents(); } function HandleOnBeforeUnload() { try { Survey.ShowSurvey(); MapLog.UserClosesHelp();//Omniture } catch (e) {} } // // Get number of minutes since Jan 1st 1970 // function GetCurrentMin() { var date = new Date(); var mins = date.getTime()/60000; var currentTime = parseInt(mins); return currentTime; } var cacheWinHeight = null; function FormatString(format) { var result = ""; for (var i=0;;) { // Find the next brace var next = format.indexOf("{", i); if (next < 0) { // Not found: copy the end of the string and break result += format.slice(i); break; } // Copy the string before the brace result += format.slice(i, next); i = next+1; // Check for double braces (which display as one and are not arguments) if (format.charAt(i) == '{') { result += '{'; i++; continue; } // Find the closing brace var next = format.indexOf("}", i); // ##DEBUG debug.assert(next > 0, "Missing closing brace"); // Get the string between the braces, and split it around the ':' (if any) var brace = format.slice(i, next).split(':'); // ##DEBUG debug.assert(brace.length <= 2, "Incorrect format syntax: " + brace); var argNumber = ParseNumber(brace[0])+1; // ##DEBUG debug.assert(!isNaN(argNumber), brace[0] + " is not a number"); var arg = arguments[argNumber]; if (arg == null) { arg = ''; } // If it has a toFormattedString method, call it. Otherwise, call toString() if (arg.toFormattedString) result += arg.toFormattedString(brace[1] ? brace[1] : ''); else result += arg.toString(); i = next+1; } return result; } function ParseNumber(value) { if (!value || (value.length == 0)) { return 0; } return parseFloat(value); } function ReverseChars(text) { var reverseText = ""; for (var i = text.length-1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { reverseText += text.charAt(i); } return reverseText; } function TrimString(text) { // \xA0 is hex character code for a non-breaking space. return text.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, '').replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, ''); } /***** End Utility *****/ /***** Attach events *****/ window.onload = HandleOnLoad; window.onresize = HandleWinResize; window.onbeforeunload = HandleOnBeforeUnload; /***** Survey Object *********/ function Survey() {} Survey.InitSurvey = function() { if (_showSurvey) { Survey.project = Proj.getCurrentProject(); = (_mkt != null) ? _mkt.toLowerCase() : ""; if (_querytype.toLowerCase() == "keyword") { Survey.keyword = _query; } else { Survey.keyword = ""; } Survey.randNumMax = .01; = new Array("en-us", "en-ca"); Survey.projects = new Array("wl_spaces", "onecarev2"); } } Survey.ShowSurvey = function() { if (_showSurvey && Survey.IsSurveyProject() && Survey.UserWasRandomlySelected() && Survey.UserHasNotSeenSurvey() && Survey.IsSurveyMarket()) { Survey.LaunchSurveyWindow(); Survey.SetCookie(); } } Survey.LaunchSurveyWindow = function() { //Launch the page var url = "" + "?keyword=" + Survey.keyword + "&product_ID=" + Survey.project + "&article_ID=" + Survey.GetTopic() + "&session_ID=" + _sid; //alert("DEBUG TEST: URL: " + url);, "", "height=285,width=300,scrollbars=yes"); } Survey.GetTopic = function() { var topic = TH.getCurrentTopic() ; switch (topic) { case "": topic = "Welcome.htm"; break; case "wlgmh.htm": topic = "GetMoreHelp"; break; } return topic; } Survey.SetCookie = function() { //Set a cookie that won't expire for a year, so that the user won't see it again var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000)); Util.CookieHelper.setCookie("seenSurvey", "1", exp, "/"); } Survey.UserWasRandomlySelected = function() { var n = Math.random(); //alert("DEBUG TEST: Rand num: " + n); return (n < Survey.randNumMax); } Survey.UserHasNotSeenSurvey = function() { var seenSurvey = Util.CookieHelper.getCookie("seenSurvey"); //alert("DEBUG TEST: Seen survey: " + seenSurvey); return ( seenSurvey == null) ? true : false; } Survey.IsSurveyProject = function() { if (Survey.project != null) { Survey.project = Survey.project.toLowerCase(); for (var i=0; i < Survey.projects.length; i++) { if (Survey.project == Survey.projects[i].toLowerCase()) { return true; } } } //alert(Survey.project); return false; } Survey.IsSurveyMarket = function() { if ( != null) { for (var i=0; i <; i++) { if ( ==[i].toLowerCase()) { return true; } } } //alert("DEBUG TEST: Survey.IsSurveyMarket returning false"); return false; }; Survey.project; Survey.keyword; Survey.randNumMax;; Survey.projects; /***** End Survey Object *****/ /***** DHTML Code for Topics *****/ // Note: Many functions are designed for templates that have subtopic_choice (STC) radio buttons. var _STCCntxt = ""; var _CurrCntxt = ""; var _aCntxtElems; var _aCntxtRelElems; /* Functions called from content */ function ccTest(p_val) { //Conditional content test return (V4Has(p_val) || AgentHas(p_val)); } function topicOnLoad() { if (ExistsForm("SubtopicChoiceForm")) { // set the classNames of the elements that have context // or are related ancestors of the context elements _aCntxtElems = new Array('INSTRUCTIONS','MORE_INFO','LINK'); _aCntxtRelElems = new Array('LINKS'); HideCntxtCntnt(); //hide elements with context ResetSTCForm(); //assure subtopic choice buttons are unchecked and context is nothing } else { //ShowCntxtCntnt() } } function clickedSubtopicChoice(strContext) { SetSTCCntxt( strContext );//remember context HideCntxtCntnt();//1st hide context content ShowCntxtCntnt();//2nd show context content dependent on new context } function clickedSubtopicChoiceText(p_cntxt,p_id) { oSubtopicChoice = getElementById(p_id); oSubtopicChoice.checked = true; clickedSubtopicChoice(p_cntxt); } function toggleDefinition(p_id) { //Legacy for bCentral if ( getStylePropertyById(p_id,'display')=='none') setStylePropertyById(p_id,'display','inline'); else setStylePropertyById(p_id,'display','none'); } function toggleTips(p_elid,p_imgid) { var oTipsImageElement = getElementById(p_imgid); if ( getStylePropertyById(p_elid,'display')=='none') { setStylePropertyById(p_elid,'display','block'); if (oTipsImageElement != null) oTipsImageElement.src = "../resources/neutral/arrowbluedown.gif"; } else { setStylePropertyById(p_elid,'display','none' ); if (oTipsImageElement != null) oTipsImageElement.src = "../resources/neutral/arrowblueright.gif"; } } function TakeMeThereMSN(p_url) { //assure that the protocol is correct (http: or https:) p_url = location.protocol + p_url.substring(p_url.indexOf(":") + 1); var sWName = (typeof(_openername) != "undefined" && _openername != '') ? _openername : "_helpext";,sWName); } /*Internal Functions*/ function V4Has(p_val) { if (typeof p_val == 'string' && p_val != "" && typeof v4 == 'string' && v4 != "") { var aV4 = v4.split(','); var aValues = p_val.split(','); for(i = 0; i < aV4.length; i++) { for(j = 0; j < aValues.length; j++) { if (aV4[i] == aValues[j]) return true; } } } return false; } function AgentHas(p_val) { if (typeof p_val == 'string') { if (p_val != "") { var aValues = p_val.split(','); for(j = 0; j < aValues.length; j++) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(aValues[j]) != -1) return true; } } } return false; } function ResetSTCForm() { if ( ExistsForm("SubtopicChoiceForm") ) { //uncheck all SubtopicChoice radio elements var oRadioGroup = document.forms["SubtopicChoiceForm"].SubtopicChoice; for (var i = 0; i < oRadioGroup.length; i++) { oRadioGroup[i].checked = false; } SetSTCCntxt("");//set subtopic_choice context to nothing } } function SetCurrCntxt() {_CurrCntxt = GetSTCCntxt();}//Set current context function SetSTCCntxt(p_cntxt) {_STCCntxt = p_cntxt;}//Set subtopic_choice context function GetSTCCntxt() {return _STCCntxt;}//Get subtopic_choice context function GetElemCntxt(p_el) { //The context is contained in the id attribute return ( ? : ""; } function IsCntxtElem(p_el) { // Is p_el an element that uses the id attribute to indicate the context? for (var i=0; i < _aCntxtElems.length; i++) { if (p_el.className == _aCntxtElems[i]) return true; } return false; } function IsCntxtRelElem(p_el) { // Is p_el an element whose display depends on a child elements context? for (var i=0; i < _aCntxtRelElems.length; i++) { if (p_el.className == _aCntxtRelElems[i]) return true; } return false; } function ShowCntxtCntnt() { // Display all elements appropriate for the context var e; var eLinks; //First, assure that current context is up-to-date SetCurrCntxt(); if (document.all) { for (var i = 0; i != document.all.length; i++) { e = document.all[i]; if (e.className == 'LINKS') eLinks = e; ShowCntntForCntxtElem(e,eLinks); } } else if (document.getElementsByTagName) { //elements with INSTRUCTIONS, MORE_INFO, LINKS className are
    tags var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i = 0; i != elems.length; i++) { e = elems[i]; if (e.className == 'LINKS') eLinks = e; ShowCntntForCntxtElem(e,eLinks); } //elements with LINK className are tags elems = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i != elems.length; i++) { e = elems[i]; ShowCntntForCntxtElem(e,eLinks); } } } function HasTheCntxt(strElementContext,strCurrentContext) { // Does element have current context? var aElemCntxt = strElementContext.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < aElemCntxt.length; i++) { if (aElemCntxt[i] == _CurrCntxt) return true; } return false; } function ShowCntntForCntxtElem(p_el,p_links) { if (IsCntxtElem(p_el)) { if (HasTheCntxt(GetElemCntxt(p_el),_CurrCntxt)) { if (p_el.className == 'LINK') setStylePropertyByElement( p_links, 'display', '' ); // display the related LINKS container if (p_el.className == 'SUBTOPIC_CHOICE') { var oSubtopicChoicesElement = getElementById('SUBTOPIC_CHOICES'); if (oSubtopicChoicesElement != null) setStylePropertyByElement( oSubtopicChoicesElement, 'display', '' ); // display the related LINKS container } setStylePropertyByElement(p_el,'display',''); } else { setStylePropertyByElement(p_el,'display','none'); } } } function HideCntntForCntxtElem(p_el) { if ( (IsCntxtElem(p_el)) || (IsCntxtRelElem(p_el)) ) { setStylePropertyByElement( p_el, 'display', 'none' ); } } function HideCntxtCntnt() { // Hide all elements that have context if (document.all) { for (var i = 0; i != document.all.length; i++) { HideCntntForCntxtElem(document.all[i]); } } else if (document.getElementsByTagName) { //elements with INSTRUCTIONS, MORE_INFO, LINKS className are
    tags var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i = 0; i != elems.length; i++) { HideCntntForCntxtElem(elems[i]); } //elements with LINK className are tags elems = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i != elems.length; i++) { HideCntntForCntxtElem(elems[i]); } } } /***** End Original Dynamic Help Code (Pane Help and HTML Help) *****/ /***** Generic Cross Browser Code *****/ function blur(p_el) {p_el.blur();} function ExistsForm(p_name) { var form = document.forms[p_name]; return (form != null && typeof form == "object"); } function getElementById(p_id) { if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById( p_id ); else if (document.all) return document.all[p_id]; else return null; } function getElementObject(p_el) { if (typeof p_el == "object") return p_el; else if (typeof p_el == "string") return getElementById( p_el ); } function getStyleBySelector(p_sel) { if (!document.getElementById) return null; var sheets = document.styleSheets; var rules; var i; var j; //look through stylesheets in reverse order that they appear in the document for (i=sheets.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { rules = sheets[i].cssRules; for (j=0; j -1) { MapLog.MegaInstructionClick(id); } } else { setStylePropertyById(id,'display','none'); } } } function toggleImg(p_el,p_img1,p_img2) { var e = getElementObject(p_el); if (e != null) { // p_img1 may be like ../resources/neutral/arrowblueright.gif // so need to get only the image name and compare to image current displayed var indx = p_img1.lastIndexOf("/"); var imgName = (indx != -1) ? p_img1.substring(indx + 1,p_img1.length) : p_img1; var strSrc = e.src; e.src = (strSrc.indexOf(imgName) > -1) ? e.src = p_img2 : e.src = p_img1; } } function changeImg(p_el,p_img) { var e = getElementObject(p_el); if (e != null) e.src = p_img; } /***** End Generic Cross-Browser Code *****/ #wlprinthead{display:block;font-size:140%;color:#777777;margin:0px;line-height:145%;font-weight:bold;} div#topiccontents{overflow:visible;} td#colleft,td#colmid,.toollabel,div#projects,select#projsel{display:none !important;} div#search,input#helpquery,img#searchsubmit,#histprev,#histprev img,#histnext img{display:none !important;} div#print,#printimg,h4#tlhelphead,h4#tlcommhead,#tocnav,#faqnav{display:none !important;} #viewmorehelp,#topicrating,#rate0,#rate1,#rate2,#ratingtext,#rateimg{display:none !important;} #topicfooter,#topiclist,#topicfdbck,#fdbckarea,#fdbckimg{display:none !important;} PADbutton{margin-right:5px;} td#querycell{padding-right:3px;border:1px solid #888888;border-left:0px;} input#helpquery{padding:3px 0px 0px 0px;} img#searchsubmit{margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;} #histnext{margin-left:16px;} #histprev img{vertical-align:middle;margin-left:4px;} #histnext img{vertical-align:middle;margin-right:4px;} #tdhist{text-align:right;} #tdprint{text-align:left;} #printimg{margin-left:4px;} ol{margin: 0px 1em 20px 0px; padding: 0px 1em 0px 0px;} ul{margin: 0px 1.5em 20px 0px; padding: 0px 1em 0px 0px;} p.toc{margin:0px 15px -10px 0px;} ul p.toc,ul li.toc{margin:15px 0px -10px 0px} ul.toc{margin:4px 20px 0px 4px;padding:0px 1em 0px 0px;} img.plusminus{margin-right:-20px;padding-left:4px;} #tlhelplinks,#tlcommlinks{padding-left:2px;} #topiccontents{padding-left:4px;} .INSTRUCTION_LIST{margin:0em 2em 0em 0em;} .MEGA_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT{margin:4px 15px 4px 0px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION{margin:6px -25px 4px 0px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_ARROW{margin:2px 4px 0px 11px;} .OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION_SPAN{margin-right:6px;} .FAQ_ANSWER{margin:4px 15px 4px 0px;} PAPNG  IHDRk=&gAMA7tEXtSoftwareAdobe ImageReadyqe<rIDATxٱ 08 (Kn&]_ m=|w1 "Bz]2z ADABA$DABAj?"fWw dw '3IENDB`PNG  IHDRk=&gAMA7tEXtSoftwareAdobe ImageReadyqe<@IDATxOJ@XQ!J`vn+x 7q-tQE!Lgbd qRʳ|Aigwߣ=QzGQ}?:Հpe=jVJ'G}#Ș;OG AB]4S0<3iF2o. 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You'll get future updates from Microsoft Update. <a id="updatelearnmore">Learn more</a>Products to install:Product details:3<a id="LearnMore">Learn more about this product</a> Space needed:Space available: Installing:#Overall progress: %2!ld!%% completeInstalling %1...Downloading %1...Loading, please wait...Installation summary:Installation details:2<a id="morehelp">Get more help with this error</a>%1 was installed.7%1 couldn't be installed. Code: 0x%2!08x! (Source: %3)We're installing your programsDonePA5Click each program for details and error information.'Choose the programs you want to install$Click each program name for details.Service agreement_To continue, please review and accept the Windows Live service agreement and privacy statement.WAn error occurred while trying to initialize the installer. Code: 0x%1!08x! Source: %2 Windows LiveDA fatal error has occurred while trying to initialize the installer.=A fatal error occurred while trying to display the installer.kAnother instance of the installer is already running. Please close that instance before starting a new one.;Previous version of Windows Live products will be upgraded.1Some Windows Live products are already installed.7All of the Windows Live products are already installed.Loading, please wait...You're almost done!Please select your settings.Set your search providerSet your home pageHelp improve Windows LivePreparing the installer... Welcome to.<a id="Privacy">View the privacy statement</a>Help us improve Windows Live programs by allowing Microsoft to collect information about your system, and how you use our software. This data will not be used to personally identify you. <a id="LearnMoreCeip">Learn more</a>Set Live Search as the default search provider in your browser, and prevent programs from interfering with this choice. <a id="whatsthis">What's this?</a>You already have this program:This program will be updated:"Set MSN as your browser home page.Help improve search resultsHelp us improve our software by allowing Microsoft to collect additional data about your system, how you use our software, and the web sites you visit. This data will not be used to personally identify you. <a id="LearnMoreToolbar">Learn more</a>This program was installed:This program was updated:We couldn't install:The Windows Live programs you've chosen are only supported on Windows Vista and Windows XP operating systems. You can continue installing, but some programs might not work correctly.oThe Windows Live programs you've chosen can only be installed on Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems.We're sorry there was an installation error. A log file with details of the failed installation will be copied to your desktop. To help us troubleshoot the problem for you and improve Windows Live, please send log files (Logs*.CAB) in e-mail to fatal error has occurred. ERROR: 0x%1!08x! Are you sure you want to cancel?lYou need to restart your computer to complete the installation of some programs. Do you want to restart now?SYou need to restart your computer to complete installation of one or more programs.7The installer package was not signed and may be corruptInstalled with this program:.Uninstall or repair your Windows Live programs &Uninstall&Repair,Uninstall one or more Windows Live programs.DRepair all Windows Live programs and update any required components.PA Windows LiveThese programs were installed:We couldn't install:These programs were updated:This program was removed:These programs were removed:This program was updated:These programs were updated:These programs will be updated: You already have these programs:You haven't installed this yet: You haven't installed these yet:You installed this earlier:You installed these earlier:)Select the programs you want to uninstall0Only programs with a check mark will be removed.Uninstalling %1...Installing programsMaking changes&Uninstalling the programs you selected %1!ld!%% complete - Windows Live %1!id!%% complete - Windows LiveDone5Click each program for details and error information.5Click each program for details and error information.5Click each program for details and error information.Please close these programsWe need to update some files being used by these programs. Save your work and close each program. If you don't close them yourself, the installer might close some of them for you, and you might need to restart your computer later.@Be sure to save your work in these programs before you continue.If you close this window, you will not see if there were any problems with the installation. To see your installation results, click Don t Close and then click Continue.PA Don't closeWe couldn't remove:We couldn't remove:L%1 couldn't be installed because we had trouble installing this requirement:N%1 couldn't be installed because we had trouble installing these requirements:>The package that you are trying to install cannot be verified.5Windows Live programs are being installed or updated.CWindows Live programs are being installed, updated, or uninstalled.Repairing your programsYour Windows Live programs and required components are being repaired and updated to help ensure that things run more smoothly next time.Repairing %1...This program was repaired:We couldn't repair:These programs were repaired:We couldn't repair:PA$<a id="refreshList">Refresh list</a>%What do you want the installer to do?Close these programs for meIgnore any open programs=(I understand that I might need to restart my computer later)(I already saved my work)Checking for open programsJSome programs may conflict with the installation of Windows Live programs. Checking...No conflicting programs found.Error: Next steps:Get help with this error Show details Hide detailsClosing applications...Restarting applications...$Registering with Microsoft Update...Rolling back: %1...nYou cannot remove Photo Gallery unless you also remove Movie Maker. Movie Maker is dependent on Photo Gallery.&InstallCancel&Accept&Decline&Finish &Try again&Close &Continue&Next&SkipPAen,'ve got Windows LiveWindows Live Essentials includes free applications that make it easy to stay connected to your digital world. To begin, click the Windows Live folder on the Start menu.}You'll get updates to Windows Live and other Microsoft programs from Microsoft Update. <a id="updatelearnmore">Learn more</a>By using any Windows Live program, you accept the terms of the Microsoft Service Agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, please uninstall all Windows Live programs using the uninstall option in the Control Panel.Choose your settings,Help improve Microsoft software and servicesHelp improve Microsoft software and services by allowing Microsoft to collect information about your system and how you use the software in this installation. This information will not be used to personally identify you. <a id="LearnMoreCeip">Learn more</a>5Help improve search results, internet safety and Microsoft software by allowing Microsoft to collect and retain information about your system, the searches you do and the websites you visit. Microsoft will not use this information to personally identify or contact you. <a id="LearnMoreToolbar">Learn more</a>Set %1 as the default search provider in your browser, and prevent programs from interfering with this choice. <a id="whatsthis">What's this?</a>enPABing&OKCancel&Yes&No&Ignore&Retry&Abort&Skip0x33, 0x33, 0x330x66, 0x66, 0x660x00, 0x66, 0x990xff, 0xff, 0xae0x00, 0x0, 0x000xc0, 0xc0, 0xc00x00, 0x00, 0x000xff, 0xff, 0xff0x66, 0x66, 0x660xf2, 0xfb, 0xff0xc9, 0xea, 0xf70xe3, 0xf5, 0xfe0x99, 0xde, 0xfd0x02, 0x87, 0xc50x02, 0x87, 0xc5PA11644, 22 2, 2, 30, 27 4, 40, 4, 4 0, 6, 0, 0Segoe UIVerdanaTahoma101010PAPNG  IHDRa pHYs  gAMA|Q cHRMz%u0`:o_FIDATxڬOSa,B)Cچ(VN$@kBL+W&Du8DL:}Cy.z77seYه7)`@G"GE ` `@`tP,f(Z>F"[QN4ƅ@!O ekW\dK2&ڇDﻉwru[xEopPxUʕ}OC:>d߬Ȁ*l|٤Z8Z]|-ف+]u vYirinߧQXZ18@`ЕMI` M4狼|p7O[acmJl/>?ž6R:c @ IWӔFjKnh:44lugGR $X~XHK|PU^S72B@L8R )D6lPRUٴ‘+ hN4@Bq%S;и@ Hdp01)%SBXigeUd zm4&e?)l)ub #s'Fגa}#i:og3ie ӿZIlLIENDB`PAPNG  IHDRgLgAMA7tEXtSoftwareAdobe ImageReadyqe<IDATxzy|Ts'$=d$","(.,-mگVݴj놶·+R)**[% dߓdns$ {;wy=ysޗQ׶_wjż̙֮]{tɒ%} :Ђ]!dσ"y0dIw% "dQ",;W}=_rմ)ovabx`zs9s{S,J~a`$aPx-ks K'# }ҕ>|1MêSM &$u |1FJ_T{H(U윽3$3 ˢB3x=f;Oq9gVD?|vLڝYR[X0:ĝvs5`r8"IJL"+5$w;zf̺Fdg{衇~-IHu#yck֬Y|뭷P;׶LziiKN[}}EpVmHȹ`xd8[Sfrb>%lU#إG9S}?7ߩU<9;Y[V-"<ޤ<-ǂQ)oY=㵚$Iy-tL p§{:04wJv<}D"+*+v}%][ 9uӚ!|F``LNz3YBx I_٤X $ jXX]f`QDiQQ`eO8W[a^0ʞjfp@';>Dc&Y&./?mx~;t_cv%2NIr{֩6ڒ/i/!,70"2 ]C?'P$DB2dc>gݮ>; =c/bM"fy><""6Ԕ!.aS3`1ZMzt~wFH7wliF*)+=8y#R/_n#?/3HB_^L^iBMGC3$80u"77K's~ \Lux+y9M*xB_. |8p|*httL`+q1]*6J(qCƜB0p?B/JX_\5>:VEލwڿ [uI,3bys! 5*QyVmTXq!-LB.7;E35ɨu8agO652W4"rpe&mW5b[[Tbm2s]KoJw3ᨗ,&m_~9JQ<@|+X'DۯϭEM}0"pK碫ky]twR6=ELjc;,v>֗Z>QK̼|Qò.{lJ>pԏL#/G^rLU;~AT]dFU*xԌwڝQ}Rx*l`$Y P,rQʉ8HǘtˁP<-4j,s1ʍT5AErDVZB(2v@Qŀަ񃻟Yh{\=Ħ^79&c_,qpt Uӵ\ (?F_\ؙ9Ȓ ne™: ysH+]Q QsfgaL:J ̼ujwISYg 5즃 D:$N{ӥqA42~AZ &[T|#H7<9i hН IODkRª2!/.r2MDhnBdcc&lc,  Ms 0o"u6N)(}%vanYK -?לwcEݒ4$F_~ {۞*.)qi|*k"|֜jGQA<=ƭ8.crO:n[1bQɎƭ:C GP=]LUanO;D*0N\nK3.uBh]Oy$~(ʆ9Q+o2B`>hp' HcfljR`XaE)rD<y$1Mp;Ș@^\PڨA o"xAo=.R[7e 'GC0+õ,9mg;"tg/u͛PIّi?!4E+n2oBnt|k t<'vрPޥteWb&^b<+1S-bt( c}$28E$ڂILhkHd{KwXa$LwWz2Yvl^FZ3F6e؍Ȧ aN͚kjSv>+Ig_65ű+WMY$A!*aaEPu YGeRUc~Z+ubbѤjK:|F+xm`8 9+*r Q6i$J(0,7<:DrĜSkէ7 w/HXY)"ȗj?eb7 UuȐ> +ASMS7+o¼V a]->?]tb}:OJ/cp_WwOmHe^lcKR];zaO!Ot~QѱʰbZ$Ee}~ nzzDZ-&fc E rhȉQ- Ye aC8 VjPe:!Ģ3`oHrBcz_9Z<QLqh{gƤ\Iz̴TW?4}Nɶw?ip VN|ɋf he{{94;\R7zjݦdfiGaCY_}By4ṿsPCKաper(e%0J阘sfQ4]{ u"8QW2YJ)3ڵdeH]u_w{W[1f.7ʡO[B䧻`0Ж^Փil3!7짖Dy0fBǪh۶cdZcǪziOuo] ˘ٕdX[+IbF$@_–d.=5.irPb;Rz%t}8?B{p(M9$ | 2 Ll5j=9qRƄM{opǑ7CRΩR!$ qc < TfD`za0b,6PP9$%N <*Zq…NqQI !r@vڕMLF5p,`%GZ)!ZFQS4Gh\@b,!䰮^yhgIDmR8#6>{緱}_ɚf+A#Ct"BqU#={{$ޛq/2\QD^|Rk~^|)n7ɉ7d'2%Ǻ_"I~JN٠)!u9K߿cǮz qb{mAoժ?bX^U FK׍qt _5z4(V^TM|QXQ>A/ӁQfR/H*rTc5GЪpxyeWsCo)>3B[d/:'x] [O;vʼ/8S1x[U| uu$x$)Z~D*TFҖ"(X+V46̬Un8( E0=Æ{!,Te5d3྾͠QzJK179^6$ؔnؾ]-5{LV8Qw>URȼ~yMW^9ƾ2!ȵ=iju:YޞkNN͉jՒ%#w(oi=9bB.#B^"2-_} @#9 ,FإL9Ny }Y`y*\. _U+?4'l6\ rf{2Y^}! 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